Finding class descendants in Visual Studio 2010(在 Visual Studio 2010 中查找类后代)
我正在查看 Visual Studio 2010 的对象浏览器中的一个抽象类.我想找到从这个抽象类派生的所有类,以便我可以选择最好的类在我的应用程序中实现.我没有这个程序集的源代码,所以我不能使用在文件中查找功能.
I am looking at an abstract class in Visual Studio 2010's object browser. I would like to find all classes that descend from this abstract class so I can choose the best one to implement in my application. I do not have the source code for this assembly, so I can't use the find in files feature.
不幸的是,我似乎根本不知道如何做到这一点.Visual Studio docs 和 Google 只是返回完全不相关的文章,所以要么我使用了错误的术语,要么这个功能根本不存在.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to find out how to do this at all. Visual Studio docs and Google just return completely irrelevant articles, so either I'm using the wrong terminology or this feature simply doesn't exist.
我收到的最佳建议是使用 redgate 反射器分析组件",但肯定有更好的方法.
The best advice I've received is "analyse the assembly with redgate reflector", but surely there has to be a better way.
安装 Visual Studio Productivity Power Tools,然后使用其增强的工具提示.
Install the Visual Studio Productivity Power Tools, then use its souped-up tooltip.
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本文标题为:在 Visual Studio 2010 中查找类后代

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