如何在 asp.net 中构建弹出对话框

How do I build a popup dialog in asp.net(如何在 asp.net 中构建弹出对话框)

本文介绍了如何在 asp.net 中构建弹出对话框的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 asp.net (C#) 构建一个 Web 应用程序.我来自 Windows 窗体开发,发现自己陷入了困境.我正在制作一个应用程序,用户应该在其中编辑一些关于他自己的简单信息,因此我需要创建一个新对话框.我如何在 asp.net 中做到这一点?我有一个在服务器端处理事件的按钮,当我单击 lthis 按钮时,我想弹出一个对话框,我可以在其中显示我的自定义 Web 控件(或任何 Web 控件,让它从一开始就通用).我该怎么做?

I am building a Web Application using asp.net (C#). I come from windows forms development and find myself in a hard spot. Im making an application where the user should edit some simple information about himself, and thus i need to create a new dialog. How do I do that in asp.net? I have a button which event is handled serverside, and when i click lthis button i want to popup a dialog where i can show my custom web control (or any web control, lets make it generic from the start). How do I go about with doing so?

通过查看互联网,我得到了一些方法,我需要制作一个部分并将 z-index 设置为 1000,但我如何使其可见(块)?请在这里帮忙,因为我完全迷路了......

I got some part of the way by looking at the internet, that i need to make a section and set the z-index to 1000, but how do i make it visible (block)? Please help here as i am completely lost...



如果您不担心使用库,请尝试 Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX 控件工具包,他们有几个控件可以创建你想要的东西(ModalPopup 控件).

If you're not concerned about using a library, try Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit, they have several controls that can create something you want (the ModalPopup control).

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