如何在 Web API 2.2 中序列化 IdentityUser 引用?

How do I serialize an IdentityUser reference in Web API 2.2?(如何在 Web API 2.2 中序列化 IdentityUser 引用?)

本文介绍了如何在 Web API 2.2 中序列化 IdentityUser 引用?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Visual StudioWeb API"项目模板包括用于处理用户注册、身份验证和授权的端点.然而,在生产应用程序中,用户通常也会与其他实体相关联,例如:

The Visual Studio "Web API" project template includes endpoints for handling registration, authentication, and authorization of users. In a production application, however, users will typically be associated with other Entities as well, such as:

public class Post {
  public Post() {};
  public int Id { get; set; }
  public ApplicationUser User { get; set; }

在这些情况下,ApplicationUser 类(派生自 IdentityUser)无法序列化.尝试这样做会产生类似于以下内容的错误:

In these scenarios, the ApplicationUser class (which is derived from IdentityUser) cannot be serialized. Attempting to do so will yield an error similar to:


The 'ObjectContent`1' type failed to serialize the response body for content type 'application/json; charset=utf-8'.

我在其他地方看到过类似的问题,建议传递 DTO 而不是 ApplicationUser 对象.然而,这似乎是很多开发人员的开销.有没有办法直接序列化ApplicationUser?

I've seen similar issues raised elsewhere with the recommendation to pass a DTO instead of the ApplicationUser object. That seems like a lot of developer overhead, however. Is there not a way to serialize ApplicationUser directly?


显然,IdentityUser 上有一些属性不应该公开给其他用户,例如 PasswordHash.其他的,例如 EmailPhoneNumber 可能会违反用户隐私期望,具体取决于您的 API 的身份验证设置.因此,应该仔细评估哪些属性是暴露的和没有暴露的.使用 DTO 可以解决这些问题.

Obviously, there are properties available on IdentityUser which should not be publicly exposed to other users, such as PasswordHash. Others, such as Email and PhoneNumber may violate user privacy expectations depending on your API's authentication settings. As such, which properties are and are not exposed should be carefully evaluated. Using a DTO addresses these issues.

也就是说,没有理由不能通过将 DataContractAttribute 添加到继承的类来配置要序列化的 IdentityUser 类:

That said, there is no reason you can't configure the IdentityUser class to be serialized by adding the DataContractAttribute to your inherited class:

public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser {

然后您可以使用 DataMemberAttribute 显式包含您希望公开的任何自定义属性:

You may then explicitly include any custom properties you wish to expose using the DataMemberAttribute:

public string TwitterHandle { get; set; }

如果您希望公开 UserIdentity 的成员,则需要覆盖它们:

If you wish to expose members of UserIdentity, you'll need to override them:

public override string UserName {
  get {
    return base.UserName;
  set {
    base.UserName = value;

最后,值得注意的是,这些属性将与有权访问端点的任何人共享.如果您想更详细地控制谁可以看到什么,那么将对象包装在 DTO 中即可.

Finally, it's worth noting that these properties will be shared with anyone who has access to the endpoint. If you want more detailed control over who sees what then wrapping the object in a DTO will provide that.

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本文标题为:如何在 Web API 2.2 中序列化 IdentityUser 引用?
