
C# Generic Passing different objects with same properties(C#通用传递具有相同属性的不同对象)




I am not sure if what I am doing is possible. I have 2 methods. The body of the 2 methods are exactly identical, however the signature of the method both parameter and return are different. The passed in parameter's properties are changed and the object are different but have the same property name (They are two different Entity Framwork Entities). Inheriting both from a base object is not possible (i think) because these are Entity Framework Entities.


Best to show example then talk about it..


private static IQueryable<MapListing> ApplyMapFilterToListings(IQueryable<MapListing> listings, ListingSearchCriteria criteria, bool boolIsPremiumListingsOnly = false)
    //setting properties of listings (of type MapListing Entity)


private static IQueryable<vListing> ApplyFilterToListings(IQueryable<vListing> listings, ListingSearchCriteria criteria, bool boolIsPremiumListingsOnly = false)
    //setting properties of listings (of type vListing Entity)


Generally I would not mind if the body of the function is exactly identical, however in this case a lot of properties are set conditionally and I want to make these methods exactly identical and idiot proof that they go out of sync.

我重新使用 IQueryable<> 的另一个原因是因为我在返回后对它做了其他事情

Also reason I am returing IQueryable<> is because I do other stuff to it after returning



You have two options in my opinion.

  1. 实现一个接口

如果您创建一个包含所有共享属性和方法的接口,您可以创建一个接受该接口的方法,或者在使用泛型时,所有实现它的类型.(是的,可以在 EF 生成的类中实现接口)

If you create an interface containing all shared properties and methods, you can create one method accepting that interface, or when using generics, all types implementing it. (Yes, it is possible to implement an interface in EF generated classes)


dynamic 关键字会给你很大的自由度.您可以假装某个属性或方法是否存在.当您传入对象时,会在运行时检查这一点.您应该谨慎使用 dynamic,因为它会损害您的软件质量.

The dynamic keyword will give you a lot of freedom. You can pretend if a property or method exists. This is checked at runtime when you pass in the object. You should use dynamic with care, since it can harm your software quality.

首选第一个选项.这是最好的解决方案,但它要求您可以访问这些类.如果类在第三方库中,dynamic 可能是您唯一的解决方案.

The first option is preferred. It is the best solution, but it requires you to have access over the classes. If the classes are in a third party library, dynamic is probably your only solution.


