Better way to find control in ASP.NET(在 ASP.NET 中查找控件的更好方法)
I have a complex form,having even 50 to 60 fields in one form like there is Multiview
, inside MultiView I have a GridView
, and inside GridView I have several CheckBoxes
Currently I am using chaining of the FindControl()
method and retrieving the child ID.
Now, my question is that is there any other way/solution to find the nested control in ASP.NET.
If you're looking for a specific type of control you could use a recursive loop like this one -
Here's an example I made that returns all controls of the given type
/// <summary>
/// Finds all controls of type T stores them in FoundControls
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
private class ControlFinder<T> where T : Control
private readonly List<T> _foundControls = new List<T>();
public IEnumerable<T> FoundControls
get { return _foundControls; }
public void FindChildControlsRecursive(Control control)
foreach (Control childControl in control.Controls)
if (childControl.GetType() == typeof(T))
这篇关于在 ASP.NET 中查找控件的更好方法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:在 ASP.NET 中查找控件的更好方法
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