如何在运行时动态显示另一个 ASPX 的 DIV 中的 ASPX?

How to display an ASPX in another ASPX#39;s DIV dynamically at runtime?(如何在运行时动态显示另一个 ASPX 的 DIV 中的 ASPX?)

本文介绍了如何在运行时动态显示另一个 ASPX 的 DIV 中的 ASPX?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Here is what I am trying to do in ASP.NET:

Create one page called Main.aspx. This page has a DIV and a buttons.

The browser loads Main.aspx. Then when I click the button, I want to load page Page99.aspx into the DIV in Main.aspx dynamically, but without Main.aspx requiring a postback.

So, Main.aspx loads once, and thereafter all the content displayed in Main.aspx will come from different .aspx pages.

Ps. I'm looking for a solution as above, but not using frames.

UPDATE 1 I should mention that Page99 is not a simple HTML page. It will contain Web controls.


As far as I know, barring the use of iframes, there is no way to load one aspx page into another.

With postbacks or ajax, you can use UserControls (ascx) instead. They can contain pretty much the same content a page can anyway, or use a MasterPage.

If you wish to have no postbacks, ajax is probably the way to go, though again, it does not allow you to load an aspx page into another, only to change the content of the page you're on (amongst other things).

I'm not sure about other platforms for web development though, they may have a solution closer to what you want to do, so if asp.net is not a "must", you should consider checking out other platforms.

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