Difference between lt;system.webgt; and lt;system.webServergt;?(lt;system.webgt; 之间的区别和lt;system.webServergt;?)
每次我必须为带有 IIS7 的 ASP.NET 添加处理程序或模块时,说明总是告诉我将其合并到两个部分:system.web
和 system.webserver代码>.
Every time I have to add a handler or module for ASP.NET with IIS7, the instructions always tell me to incorporate it into two sections: system.web
and system.webserver
What is the difference between these two sections?
此外,如果我不将其添加到 system.web
部分,我的 Visual Studio 2008 调试器也无法正常工作.
In addition, if I don't add it to the system.web
section, my Visual Studio 2008 debugger also doesn't work correctly.
system.web部分用于配置IIS 6.0,system.webserver版本用于配置IIS 7.0.IIS 7.0 包括一个新的 ASP.NET 管道和一些配置差异,因此有额外的配置部分.
The system.web section is for configuring IIS 6.0, while the system.webserver version is used to configure IIS 7.0. IIS 7.0 includes a new ASP.NET pipeline and some configuration differences, hence the extra config sections.
如果您仅在集成模式下运行 IIS 7.0,则不需要将处理程序添加到这两个部分.将它添加到 system.web 也是 IIS 7.0 在经典模式下运行的后备,除非我弄错了.我还没有对此进行广泛的测试.
If you're running IIS 7.0 in integrated mode only, you shouldn't need to add the handlers to both sections. Adding it to system.web as well is a fallback for IIS 7.0 operating in classic mode, unless I'm mistaken. I've not done extensive testing on this.
请参阅 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb763179.aspx 了解更多信息.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb763179.aspx for more information.
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本文标题为:<system.web> 之间的区别和<system.webServer>?

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