forms authentication cookie not honoring timeout with IIS7( 形成身份验证 cookie 不遵守 IIS7 的超时)
身份验证 cookie 似乎在短时间内(一天左右)后超时.我正在使用表单身份验证,并且在 web.config 中设置了带有 slipExpiration="false" 的 timeout="10080".使用该设置,cookie 应在用户成功通过身份验证后大约 7 天过期.
Authentication cookies seem to timeout after a short period of time (a day or so). I am using Forms Authentication and have the timeout="10080" with slidingExpiration="false" in the web.config. With that setting, the cookie should expire roughly 7 days after the user is successfully authenticated.
这与 IIS6 宣传的一样,但是当我将站点移至 IIS7 时,cookie 过期得更快.我已经在多台使用 IE 和 Firefox 的机器上确认了这种行为,这让我相信这是 IIS7 设置.
This worked as advertised with IIS6, but when I moved the site to IIS7, the cookie expires much quicker. I've confirmed this behavior on multiple machines with IE and Firefox, leading me to believe it's an IIS7 setting.
是否存在与身份验证相关的特定于 IIS7 的隐藏设置?除匿名用户跟踪外,网站的所有其他身份验证类型均已禁用.
Is there a hidden setting that is IIS7 specific related to authentication? All other authentication types are disabled for the website, except for anonymous user tracking.
身份验证 cookie 使用本地 web.config 或全局
The authentication cookie is encrypted using the machineKey
value from the local web.config
or the global machine.config
. If no such key is explicitly set, a key will be automatically generated, but it is not persisted to disk – hence, it will change whenever the application is restarted or "recycled" due to inactivity, and a new key will be created on the next hit.
解决问题就像将 <machineKey>
配置部分添加到 web.config
或可能(最好?)添加到 机器一样简单.在服务器上配置
Resolving the problem is as easy as adding a <machineKey>
configuration section to web.config
, or possibly (preferably?) to the machine.config
on the server (untested):
Google generate random machinekey for sites that can generate this section for you. If your application deals with confidential information, you might want to create the keys yourself, though.
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本文标题为 形成身份验证 cookie 不遵守 IIS7 的超时

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