Internet Explorer 8 timeout too quick on page POSTs(Internet Explorer 8 在页面 POST 上超时太快)
我们有一个 ASP.NET 站点正在运行,一段时间以来一直运行良好,但最近我在 IE8 上遇到了一些问题.
We have an site running, which has been working fine for some time, but recently I have been experiencing some issues with IE8.
在发布一些页面时 - 主要是在我们的开发服务器上,虽然也在登台上 - 我们偶尔会收到Internet Explorer 无法显示网页"错误以及要求诊断连接问题的按钮.IE 似乎只等待 10 秒才超时.我知道第一次加载页面本身可能需要更长的时间(在开发和登台上).所以按 F5,然后一切正常.
On posting some pages - mainly on our development server, although on staging too - we get an occasional "Internet Explore cannot display the webpage" error along with the button asking to diagnose connection problems. IE only seems to wait 10 seconds before timing out. I know that the page itself may take longer to load the first time (on dev and staging). So press F5 and everything then works fine.
在 aspx 页面中应该做些什么来告诉 IE 再等一会儿?
Is there anything that should be done in the aspx page to tell IE to wait a bit longer?
我以为我已经读过浏览器的默认超时时间应该是 90 秒之类的.
I thought I had read that the default timeout supposed to be 90 seconds or something for browsers.
这主要发生在发布注册页面上,但这只是因为我测试了该页面并启动了 IIS 应用程序,首次连接到 SQL 并预缓存了一些信息.第一次页面可能需要 10-15 秒才能返回.IE8 在 10 秒后超时,因为它没有返回任何内容.
It mostly happens on a POSTing a signup page, but that is just because I test that page and it starts the IIS App, makes the first connection to SQL and pre-caches some information. That first time the page can take 10-15 seconds to come back. IE8 times out after 10 seconds as it has had nothing back.
这发生在具有 8GB RAM 的开发 W7x64 机器上,以及 WIN2008 登台服务器上.
This happens on a dev W7x64 machine with 8GB RAM, as well as on a staging server WIN2008.
Having googled around a bit, some people are seeing the same problem, but no conclusive pointers to the problem or a solution.
不是连接问题;在 Firefox、Chrome 甚至 IE7 中一切正常;我已尝试禁用加载项并重置 IE 设置,但仍然会发生.
It isn't a connection problem; everything works fine in Firefox, Chrome and even IE7; I have tried with add-ons disabled and resetting IE settings, still happens.
10 秒超时可能是变相的可用性工具.10秒是相当长的时间.支持 Js 的浏览器现在 > 99%,为什么不将它推到 Ajax 上并轮询,直到完成长时间的工作,然后重定向到下一页?同时,您可以向用户显示更多有用的进度信息.如果由于某种原因下一页本身是减速的根源并且无法与其慢速部分分开,您可以通过预先缓存下一页然后重定向来完成.
A 10 second timeout might be a usability tool in disguise. 10 seconds is a pretty long time. Js capable browsers are > 99% now, why not push it off over Ajax and poll until the long work is done, then redirect to the next page? You could show the user more useful progress info in the meantime. If for some reason the next page itself is the source of the slow down and cannot be separated from its slow parts, you could finish by precaching the next page then redirecting.
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本文标题为:Internet Explorer 8 在页面 POST 上超时太快

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