如何在 IIS 7.0 上增加线程池线程

How to increase thread-pool threads on IIS 7.0(如何在 IIS 7.0 上增加线程池线程)

本文介绍了如何在 IIS 7.0 上增加线程池线程的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


环境:Windows Server 2008 Enterprise、IIS 7.0、ASP.NET 2.0 (CLR)、.NET 4.0

我有一个没有页面和会话的 ASP.NET 应用程序(HttpHandler).它是一个流媒体服务器.我使用两个线程来处理每个请求,因此如果有 100 个连接的客户端,则使用 200 个线程.这是一个专用服务器,服务器上没有更多应用程序.

I have an ASP.NET application with no page and no session(HttpHandler). It a streaming server. I use two threads for processing each request so if there are 100 connected clients, then 200 threads are used. This is a dedicated server and there's no more application on the server.

问题是在连接了 200 个客户端后(在压力测试中)应用程序拒绝新客户端,但是如果我增加 application pool 的工作线程(创建一个网络花园)那么我可以有 200 个新的每个 w3wp 进程的快乐客户.

The problem is after 200 clients are connected (under stress testing) application refuses new clients, but if I increase the worker threads of application pool (create a web garden) then I can have 200 new happy clients per w3wp process.

我觉得 .NET 线程池限制到了那个时候,需要增加它.

I feel .NET thread pool limit reaches at that point and need to increase it.



applicationPool 元素的 aspnet.config:

Look at the applicationPool element of your aspnet.config:

        requestQueueLimit="5000" />



您可能还想查看 processModel(在您的 machine.config 中).

You may also want to look at processModel (in your machine.config).

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本文标题为:如何在 IIS 7.0 上增加线程池线程
