IIS 7 强制刷新图像

IIS 7 Force Fresh Images(IIS 7 强制刷新图像)

本文介绍了IIS 7 强制刷新图像的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何强制 IIS 7缓存特定页面的图像?

How do I force IIS 7 to not cache images for a particular page?


在 IIS7 中,您可以在 web.config 中以声明方式或以编程方式执行此操作.

In IIS7, you can do this either declaratively in your web.config, or programmatically.

<location path="YourPath">
      <clientCache cacheControlMode="DisableCache" />

编程解决方案需要一个简单的 HttpModule,它已注册为在集成模式下运行所有​​请求,您可以在其中查找您关心的 URL.然后调用:

The programmatic solution requires a simple HttpModule that's registered to run for all requests in Integrated mode, where you look for the URLs that you're concerned about. Then call:


FWIW,您可能需要考虑仅禁用客户端缓存,同时启用服务器端缓存,方法是使用 HttpCacheability.ServerAndNoCache.此外,如果您在图像名称上添加查询字符串,您将阻止 http.sys 进行服务器端缓存.

FWIW, you may want to consider disabling client-side caching only, while enabling server-side caching, by using HttpCacheability.ServerAndNoCache. Also, if you add a query string on the image names, you will prevent server-side caching by http.sys.

如果有帮助,我会在我的书中详细介绍这些技术:Ultra-Fast ASP.NET.

In case it helps, I cover techniques like these in detail in my book: Ultra-Fast ASP.NET.

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本文标题为:IIS 7 强制刷新图像
