如何让 LIKE 子句在 ADO.NET 和 SQL Server 中工作

how to get LIKE clause to work in ADO.NET and SQL Server(如何让 LIKE 子句在 ADO.NET 和 SQL Server 中工作)

本文介绍了如何让 LIKE 子句在 ADO.NET 和 SQL Server 中工作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 ASP.NET 中做一个非常简单的查询,但是在我插入 LIKE 子句后它停止工作.

I am doing a really simple query in ASP.NET, but after I inserted the LIKE clause it stops working.


String sql = " SELECT * 
                 FROM Products 
                WHERE ID = @MYID 
                  AND Name LIKE '%@MYNAME%' ";
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, cn);

command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MYID", MYID.Text);

command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MYNAME", MYNAME.Text);

如果我删除了 LIKE,它会起作用.因此我认为它与 '' 引号有关?

If I removed the LIKE it works. Hence I am thinking its to do with the '' quotes?



The sql statement should look like this:

String sql = " SELECT * FROM Products WHERE ID = @MYID AND Name LIKE '%' + @MYNAME + '%'"; 

我不确定我是否完全理解了您的评论,但您似乎想在查询中使用文本框中的值 - 也许这就是您想要做的:

I am not sure I understood your comment completely, but it seems you want to use the value from a text box in your query - maybe this is what you are trying to do:

String sql = " SELECT * FROM Products WHERE ID = @MYID AND Name LIKE '%' + text_box.Text + '%'";

"text_box" 将是您的 textBox 控件的实际 ID.

"text_box" would be the actual id of your textBox control.

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本文标题为:如何让 LIKE 子句在 ADO.NET 和 SQL Server 中工作
