Table-Valued Parameter in Stored Procedure and the Entity Framework 4.0(存储过程和实体框架 4.0 中的表值参数)
我在 SQL Server 2008 中有一个名为GetPrices"的存储过程,带有一个名为StoreIDs"的表值参数.
I have a stored procedure in SQL Server 2008 called 'GetPrices' with a Table-Valued Parameter called 'StoreIDs'.
这是我为此 TVP 创建的类型:
This is the type i created for this TVP:
CREATE TYPE integer_list_tbltype AS TABLE (n int)
我想从我的实体框架调用 SP.但是当我尝试将存储过程添加到 EDM 时,出现以下错误:
I would like to call the SP from my Entity Framework. But when I try to add the Stored Procedure to the EDM, i get the following error:
函数GetPrices"在参数索引 2 处有一个参数StoreIDs",该参数具有不受支持的数据类型表类型".该函数已被排除.
The function 'GetPrices' has a parameter 'StoreIDs' at parameter index 2 that has a data type 'table type' which is not supported. The function was excluded.
Is there any workaround this? Any thoughts?
我同意在这种情况下传递 CSV 刺是最好的解决方案.我想提出一种更简单的方法来拆分 csv 字符串,而无需使用 CTE 创建表和函数:
I agree that passing in a CSV sting is the best solution in this case. I would like to propose simpler way to split csv string, without creating tables and functions, by using CTE:
declare @separator char(1);
set @separator = ',';
;with baseCte as
(select left(@ValueList, charindex(@separator, @ValueList) - 1) as Value,
substring(@ValueList, charindex(@separator, @ValueList) + 1, len(@ValueList))
as rest
union all
select left(rest, charindex(@separator, rest) - 1) as Value,
substring(rest, charindex(@separator, rest) + 1, len(rest)) from baseCte
where len(rest) > 1
select Value from baseCte
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本文标题为:存储过程和实体框架 4.0 中的表值参数

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