How to execute Stored Procedures with Doctrine2 and MySQL(如何使用 Doctrine2 和 MySQL 执行存储过程)
我在 Symfony2 应用程序中工作,我需要使用存储过程来执行一些高性能进程.
I am working in a Symfony2 application and I need to use Stored Procedures to do some high performance processes.
有什么方法可以使用 Doctrine2 执行(和管理参数)MySQL 存储过程?
There are any way to execute (and manage parameters) a MySQL Stored Procedure using Doctrine2?
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();
$qb = $em->createNativeQuery(
'CALL USR_P_UserRegistration (' .
':iduser, :name, :surname, :birthday, :idlang, :idregistry' .
new ResultSetMapping()
'iduser' => $c->getIduser(),
'name' => $c->getName(),
'surname' => $c->getSurname(),
'birthday' => $c->getBirthday(),
'idlang' => $c->getIdlang(),
'idregistry' => $c->getIdregistry()
您可以使用 Native SQL,甚至可以使用存储过程进行数据检索.
you can use Native SQL and you could even use stored procedures for data retrieval.
doc Native sql 一个>
如何在 Symfony 和 Doctrine 中使用存储过程一个>
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本文标题为:如何使用 Doctrine2 和 MySQL 执行存储过程

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