从同一个表中获取员工姓名和经理姓名的 SQL 查询

SQL query to get the employee name and their manager name from the same table(从同一个表中获取员工姓名和经理姓名的 SQL 查询)

本文介绍了从同一个表中获取员工姓名和经理姓名的 SQL 查询的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Employee_id  Employee_name   Manager_id
Emp00001     Ram             Emp00005
Emp00002     Sharath         Emp00003
Emp00003     Nivas           Emp00005
Emp00004     Praveen         Emp00002
Emp00005     Maharaj         Emp00002


Employee Name    Manager Name
Ram              Maharaj
Sharath          Nivas
Nivas            Maharaj
Praveen          Sharath
Maharaj          Sharath

employee 表中,有三列Employee_idemployee_namemanager_id.从表中,如何获取员工姓名和他们的经理姓名?

In the employee table, there are three columns Employee_id, employee_name and manager_id. From the table, how to fetch the employee name and their manager name?


您可以自行加入表格,从经理的 ID 中获取经理的姓名:

You can self-join the table to get the manager's name from his ID:

SELECT e.employee_name, m.employee_name AS manager_name
FROM   employee e
JOIN   employee m on e.manager_id = m.employee_id

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本文标题为:从同一个表中获取员工姓名和经理姓名的 SQL 查询
