MySQL - 递归树结构

MySQL - Recursing a tree structure(MySQL - 递归树结构)

本文介绍了MySQL - 递归树结构的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a database table which link locations together; a location can be in a location, which can be inside another location.

location (<id>, ....)
location_parent (<location_id>, <parent_id>)

这里是 MySQL/PHP 的深度:

Here's the MySQL/PHP to go down for a depth of one:

$sql = "SELECT id FROM se_locations_services WHERE parent_locationid IN
( SELECT location_id FROM se_locations_parent WHERE parent_id = '$locationid' )";

在给定父位置的情况下,我如何仅使用 MySQL 获取其所有后代位置,无论多深?

How do I, given a parent location, gets all its descendants locations, no matter how deep, just using MySQL?


有一个 好看的文章 概述了管理分层数据的各种方法.我认为它为您的问题提供了完整的解决方案,并展示了各种不太简单但速度更快的方法(例如嵌套集).

There's a good-looking article over at outlining various ways of managing hierarchical data. I think it provides a full solution to your question, and shows various less simple, but faster approaches (e.g. Nested Sets).

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本文标题为:MySQL - 递归树结构
