带下划线的 MySQL LIKE 查询

MySQL LIKE query with underscore(带下划线的 MySQL LIKE 查询)

本文介绍了带下划线的 MySQL LIKE 查询的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



| id |   img_path   |
| 1  | abc_1.jpg    |
| 2  | abc_2.jpg    |
| 3  | abcde_1.jpg  |
| 4  | abcde_2.jpg  |
| 5  | abcdef_1.jpg |


I would like to select the entries that img_path starts with abc_, so I use the following query:

SELECT id FROM images WHERE img_path LIKE 'abc_%'

但它返回所有 5 行.我如何只返回 id = 1 &2(哪个img_pathabc_开头)?

But it returns all 5 rows. How do I only returns id = 1 & 2 ( which img_path starts with abc_) ?


发现 _ 是一个特殊字符.必须使用反斜杠转义.

Found out that _ is a special character. Have to escape with backslashes.

SELECT id FROM images WHERE img_path LIKE 'abc\_%'

按预期返回 2 行

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本文标题为:带下划线的 MySQL LIKE 查询
