MySQL dump by query(MySQL 按查询转储)
Is it possible to do mysqldump
by single SQL query
I mean to dump the whole database, like phpmyadmin
does when you do export to SQL
不是mysqldump,而是mysql cli...
not mysqldump, but mysql cli...
mysql -e "select * from myTable" -u myuser -pxxxxxxxxx mydatabase
you can redirect it out to a file if you want :
mysql -e "select * from myTable" -u myuser -pxxxxxxxx mydatabase > mydumpfile.txt
更新:原始帖子询问他是否可以通过查询从数据库中转储.他问的和他的意思是不同的.他真的很想 mysqldump 所有表.
Update: Original post asked if he could dump from the database by query. What he asked and what he meant were different. He really wanted to just mysqldump all tables.
mysqldump --tables myTable --where="id < 1000"
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