问号在 MySQL 中“WHERE column = ?"的意义是什么?

What is the question mark#39;s significance in MySQL at quot;WHERE column = ?quot;?(问号在 MySQL 中“WHERE column = ?的意义是什么?)

本文介绍了问号在 MySQL 中“WHERE column = ?"的意义是什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am dissecting some code and came across this,

$sql = 'SELECT page.*, author.name AS author, updator.name AS updator '
     . 'FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'page AS page '
     . 'LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'user AS author ON author.id = page.created_by_id '
     . 'LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'user AS updator ON updator.id = page.updated_by_id '
     . 'WHERE slug = ? AND parent_id = ? AND (status_id='.Page::STATUS_REVIEWED.' OR status_id='.Page::STATUS_PUBLISHED.' OR status_id='.Page::STATUS_HIDDEN.')';

我想知道什么是?"在 WHERE 语句中.它是某种参数持有者吗?

I am wondering what the "?" does in the WHERE statement. Is it some sort of parameter holder?


准备好的语句使用?"在 MySQL 中允许将参数绑定到语句.如果使用得当,被高度认为可以更安全地防止 SQL 注入.这也允许更快的 SQL 查询,因为请求只需编译一次并且可以重复使用.

Prepared statments use the '?' in MySQL to allow for binding params to the statement. Highly regarded as more secure against SQL injections if used properly. This also allows for quicker SQL queries as the request only has to be compiled once and can be reused.

这篇关于问号在 MySQL 中“WHERE column = ?"的意义是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:问号在 MySQL 中“WHERE column = ?"的意义是什么?
