SQL Server dynamic pivot with multiple columns(具有多列的 SQL Server 动态数据透视)
Here's the scenario I am in. I have my data in the following format.
IssuedOn Country Sales Transactions
29-Aug-16 India 40 8
29-Aug-16 Australia 15 3
29-Aug-16 Canada 15 3
30-Aug-16 India 50 10
30-Aug-16 Australia 25 5
30-Aug-16 Canada 10 2
31-Aug-16 India 100 25
31-Aug-16 Australia 30 10
31-Aug-16 Canada 55 12
IssuedDate Australia Canada India TotalSales Transactionscount
29-Aug-16 15 15 40 70 14
30-Aug-16 25 10 50 85 17
31-Aug-16 30 55 100 185 47
I have been able to pivot the data on country and get the "Total Sales" column. However, I am not able to get the "Total Transactions" column right.
Here's the code to generate the source data table. Would really help if someone can guide me.
Create Table tbl1
IssuedOn date,
Country varchar(100),
Sales bigint,
Transactions bigint
Insert into tbl1(IssuedOn, Country, Sales, Transactions)
Values ('2016-08-29', 'India', 40, 8),
('2016-08-29', 'Australia', 15, 3),
('2016-08-29', 'Canada', 15, 3),
('2016-08-30', 'India', 50, 10),
('2016-08-30', 'Australia', 25, 5),
('2016-08-30', 'Canada', 10, 2),
('2016-08-31', 'India', 100, 25),
('2016-08-31', 'Australia', 30, 10),
('2016-08-31', 'Canada', 55, 12)
select *
from tbl1
The following is the stored procedure used for the bulk of my dynamic pivots
Exec [prc-Pivot] 'tbl1','Country','sum(Sales)[]','IssuedOn','sum(Transactions)[Transactions],sum(Sales)[TotalSales]'
IssuedOn Transactions TotalSales Australia Canada India
2016-08-29 14 70 15 15 40
2016-08-30 17 85 25 10 50
2016-08-31 47 185 30 55 100
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[prc-Pivot] (
@Source varchar(1000), -- Any Table or Select Statement
@PvotCol varchar(250), -- Field name or expression ie. Month(Date)
@Summaries varchar(250), -- aggfunction(aggValue)[optionalTitle]
@GroupBy varchar(250), -- Optional additional Group By
@OtherCols varchar(500) ) -- Optional Group By or aggregates
--Exec [prc-Pivot] 'Select Year=Year(TR_Date),* From [Chinrus-Series].[dbo].[DS_Treasury_Rates]','''Q''+DateName(QQ,TR_Date)','avg(TR_Y10)[-Avg]','Year','count(*)[Records],min(TR_Y10)[Min],max(TR_Y10)[Max],Avg(TR_Y10)[Avg]'
--Exec [prc-Pivot] '#Temp','Attribute','max(Description)[]','ID','count(*)[Records]'
Set NoCount On
Declare @Vals varchar(max),@SQL varchar(max);
Set @Vals = ''
Set @OtherCols= IsNull(', ' + @OtherCols,'')
Set @Source = case when @Source Like 'Select%' then @Source else 'Select * From '+@Source end
Create Table #TempPvot (Pvot varchar(100))
Insert Into #TempPvot
Exec ('Select Distinct Convert(varchar(100),' + @PvotCol + ') as Pvot FROM (' + @Source + ') A')
--Select @Vals = @Vals + ', isnull(' + Replace(Replace(@Summaries,'(','(CASE WHEN ' + @PvotCol + '=''' + Pvot + ''' THEN '),')[', ' END),NULL) As [' + Pvot ) From #TempPvot Order by Pvot
Select @Vals = @Vals + ', isnull(' + Replace(Replace(@Summaries,'(','(CASE WHEN ' + @PvotCol + '=''' + Pvot + ''' THEN '),')[', ' END),0) As [' + Pvot ) From #TempPvot Order by Pvot
Drop Table #TempPvot
Set @SQL = Replace('Select ' + Isnull(@GroupBy,'') + @OtherCols + @Vals + ' From (' + @Source + ') PvtFinal ' + case when Isnull(@GroupBy,'')<>'' then 'Group By ' + @GroupBy + ' Order by ' + @GroupBy else '' end,'Select , ','Select ')
--Print @SQL
Exec (@SQL)
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本文标题为:具有多列的 SQL Server 动态数据透视
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