Sequelize Join on Non Primary Key(Sequelize Join 非主键)
我需要关联两个表.表 A 有一个表 B.我可以在 TableA 模型中做到这一点:
I have two tables I need to associate. TableA has One TableB. I'm able to do this in the TableA Model:
TableA.hasOne( models.TableB, { as: 'TableB', foreignKey: 'someID' } );
查看 SQL,它尝试连接 TableA.ID 和 TableB.someID.我真正想要的是加入 TableA.someNonPrimaryKey 和 TableB.someID.
Looking at the SQL, this tries to join TableA.ID and TableB.someID. What I actually want, is to join TableA.someNonPrimaryKey and TableB.someID.
如何让 sequelize 加入 someNonPrimaryKey?
How can I tell sequelize to join with someNonPrimaryKey?
I know this is old; I am responding for the sake of others that might need the answer.
You can now associate tables on non-primary key columns. In your case, the association would be:
TableA.hasOne(TableB, {
sourceKey: 'someNonPrimaryKeyColumnOnTheSOurceModel',
foreignKey: 'matchingColumnOnTheTargetModel'
请注意,列 someNonPrimaryKeyColumnOnTheSOurceModel
必须在模型定义中将 unique
设置为 true
Please note, the column someNonPrimaryKeyColumnOnTheSOurceModel
must have unique
set to true
in the model definition.
You can read more about it here:
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本文标题为:Sequelize Join 非主键
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