How to update and order by using ms sql(如何使用 ms sql 进行更新和排序)
Ideally I want to do this:
UPDATE TOP (10) messages SET status=10 WHERE status=0 ORDER BY priority DESC;
英文:我想从数据库中获取前 10 条可用 (status=0) 消息并锁定它们 (status=10).优先级更高的消息应该首先得到.
In English: I want to get the top 10 available (status=0) messages from the DB and lock them (status=10). A message with a higher priority should be gotten first.
不幸的是 MS SQL 不允许在更新中使用 order by 子句.
unfortunately MS SQL doesn't allow an order by clause in the update.
Anyway how to circumvent this?
您可以进行子查询,首先获取按优先级排序的前 10 名的 ID,然后更新该子查询中的 ID:
You can do a subquery where you first get the IDs of the top 10 ordered by priority and then update the ones that are on that sub query:
UPDATE messages
SET status=10
FROM Table
WHERE status=0
ORDER BY priority DESC);
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本文标题为:如何使用 ms sql 进行更新和排序
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