如何在 SQL Server 2014 的 XML 根目录中添加 xmlns

How to add xmlns in the root in XML in SQL Server 2014(如何在 SQL Server 2014 的 XML 根目录中添加 xmlns)

本文介绍了如何在 SQL Server 2014 的 XML 根目录中添加 xmlns的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试添加 xmlns MsgDtTm &MessageIdSQL Server 2014 中 XML 根元素中的属性.我正在尝试:

I am trying to add xmlns MsgDtTm & MessageIdattributes in root element of XML in SQL Server 2014. I am trying this:

declare @TEMP table (ID nvarchar(max), Name nvarchar(max))
declare @count int =0
WHILE @count < 4 
   declare @name nvarchar(20),@id nvarchar(max)
   select @name= SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(255), NEWID()), 0, 7)
         ,@id= CHAR(ROUND(RAND() * 93 + 33, 0))
   insert into @TEMP values(@id,@name)
   set @count= @count +1

declare @msgId nvarchaR(24)
SET @msgId='11EXP'+REPLACE(convert(varchar(10),getdate(),103),'/','')+'1'
DECLARE @Xml xml
SET @Xml = (select * from @TEMP for xml path('DefaultName'), type)
;WITH XMLNAMESPACES (DEFAULT 'http://abc.go.com')
select GETDATE() as "@MsgDtTm"
  ,@msgId as "@MessageId"
  ,--'http://abc.go.com' as "@xmlns",
@Xml for xml path('Person')


<Person xmlns="http://abc.go.com" MsgDtTm="2016-11-21T15:13:10.440" MessageId="11EXP211120161">
  <DefaultName xmlns="">
  <DefaultName xmlns="">
  <DefaultName xmlns="">
  <DefaultName xmlns="">

我在 Default 元素中获得了空白的 xmlns 属性.我希望 Person 元素中的 xmlns 不在 Default 元素中.我的预期结果如下:

I am getting the blank xmlns attribute in Default element. I want xmlns in Person element not in Default element. My expected result is as follows:

<Person xmlns="http://abc.go.com" MsgDtTm="2016-11-21T15:13:10.440" MessageId="11EXP211120161">

如果我使用 ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ('http://abc.go.com' as f) 那么它将在 root 中,但结果我会得到 xmlns:f=...".我不想附加 :objectOfXMLNAMESPACES,我只想要 xmlns.

if I use ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ('http://abc.go.com' as f) then it will be in root but in result I will get xmlns:f="...". I don't want to append :objectOfXMLNAMESPACES, I just want xmlns.


SQL Server 一遍又一遍地为每个子选择添加命名空间,这是一个非常烦人的行为.

It is a very annoying behaviour, that SQL Server adds namespaces to each sub-select over and over.

您会在 SO 上找到很多解决方法,有些使用丑陋的 NVARCHAR(MAX) 强制转换以在字符串基础上插入命名空间,其他使用或多或少复杂的方式.

You will find a lot of workarounds here on SO, some use an ugly cast to NVARCHAR(MAX) to insert the namespace on string base, other use more or less complicated ways.


For you the simplest should be this:

;WITH XMLNAMESPACES (DEFAULT 'http://abc.go.com')
SELECT @xml=
        SELECT ID,Name
        FROM @TEMP
        FOR XML PATH('DefaultName'),ROOT('Person'),TYPE
DECLARE @mid VARCHAR(100)='11EXP'+REPLACE(convert(varchar(10),getdate(),103),'/','')+'1';

SET @xml.modify('insert (attribute MsgDtTm {sql:variable("@d")}
                        ,attribute MessageId {sql:variable("@mid")}) into (/*:Person)[1]');

SELECT @xml;




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本文标题为:如何在 SQL Server 2014 的 XML 根目录中添加 xmlns
