
What is the comparative speed of temporary tables to physical tables in SQL?(SQL中临时表与物理表的比较速度是多少?)



我有一个脚本需要临时提取数据以对其进行额外操作,但在脚本运行后不需要进一步存储它.我目前在一系列临时本地表 (CREATE TABLE #table) 中有相关数据,然后在使用完成后将其删除.我正在考虑切换到以相同方式处理的物理表(CREATE TABLE 表),如果它的脚本速度会有所提高(或者其他优势,也许?).

I have a script that needs to extract data temporarily to do extra operations on it, but then doesn't need to store it any further after the script has run. I currently have the data in question in a series of temporary local tables (CREATE TABLE #table), which are then dropped as their use is completed. I was considering switching to physical tables, treated in the same way (CREATE TABLE table), if there would be an improvement in the speed of the script for it (or other advantages, maybe?).


...So, is there a difference in performance, between temporary tables and physical tables? From what I'm reading, temporary tables are just physical tables that only the session running the script can look at (cutting down on locking issues).


I should point out that I'm talking about physical tables vs. temporary tables. There is a lot of info available about temporary tables vs. table variables, e.g. http://sqlnerd.blogspot.com/2005/09/temp-tables-vs-table-variables.html.


临时表是 SQL Server 中的一个大问题.

Temporary tables are a big NO in SQL Server.

  • 它们会导致成本高昂的查询计划重新编译.
  • 创建和删除表也是您添加到流程中的成本高昂的操作.
  • 如果有大量数据进入临时数据,您的操作将因缺乏索引而变慢.您可以在临时表上创建索引.但我永远不会为任何有大量记录的东西推荐一个临时表.


Your other approach: To create and then drop regular tables just creates the same overhead.


Another approach: Using existing tables, augmenting the rows with an additional column to differentiate which rows pertain to each user/session could be used. Removes the burden to create/drop the tables but, then, you will need to be paranoid with the code that generate the value to differentiate the rows AND you will have to develop a way to maintain the table for those cases where a session ended prematurely and there are leftovers (rows that were not removed at the end of the processing).


I recommend you to rethink your processing strategy. Some alternatives are as easy as using correlated queries, derived tables or table variables. Take a look at: http://www.sql-server-performance.com/articles/per/temp_tables_vs_variables_p1.aspx


The approach of creating and dropping regular tables and the approach of reusing a regular table augumented with an additional field: Both will generate query plan recompilations because the amount of data changed will trigger the reevaluation of table statistics. Again, your best approach is to find alternate ways to proccess your data.


