How do I assign the value I queried to a String which is an argument in a procedure if the argument#39;s data type is an Object?(如果参数的数据类型是对象,我如何将查询的值分配给作为过程中的参数的字符串?)
I made this procedure to help me re-use a select query:
Private Sub selectQry(ByVal myColumn As String, ByVal myTable As String, ByVal myFilter As String, ByVal myObjectOne As Object, ByVal myObj As Object)
Dim qrySlctCaldate As String = "SELECT " + myColumn + " FROM " + myTable + " WHERE " + myFilter + " = '" & Replace(myObjectOne, "'", "''") & "'"
Dim cmdSlct As New SqlCommand(qrySlctCaldate, transConn.Connection)
Dim readSCalDate As SqlDataReader
readSCalDate = cmdSlct.ExecuteReader
While readSCalDate.Read
If TypeOf (myObj) Is TextBox Or TypeOf (myObj) Is ComboBox Then
myObj.Text = readSCalDate.Item(myColumn).ToString
myObj = readSCalDate.Item(myColumn).ToString
End If
End While
And I use it like this if I would want the selected value placed in a textbox and it works fine
selectQry("ProcConvDescription", "Line", "LineCode", nameValue.Value, txtProcess)
However if I want the value to be passed in a string like so:
selectQry("LastCalibrationDate", "EquipmentItem", "ControlNo", txtControlNo.Text, strCalDate)
The string ends up having an empty string value. How do I assign the value I queried to that String?
You should modify your method to be a function returning the string rather than trying to assign it inside the function.
Private Function selectQry(ByVal myColumn As String, ByVal myTable As String,
ByVal myFilter As String, ByVal myObjectOne As Object
) As String
Dim qrySlctCaldate As String = _
String.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1} WHERE {2} = '{3}'",
myColumn, myTable, myFilter,
Replace(myObjectOne, "'", "''"))
Dim cmdSlct As New SqlCommand(qrySlctCaldate, transConn.Connection)
Using readSCalDate As SqlDataReader = cmdSlct.ExecuteReader
While readSCalDate.Read
Return readSCalDate.Item(myColumn).ToString
End While
End Using
End Sub
txtProcess.Text = selectQry("ProcConvDescription", "Line", "LineCode", nameValue.Value)
strCalDate = selectQry("LastCalibrationDate", "EquipmentItem", "ControlNo", txtControlNo.Text)
此外,我强烈建议您启用 Option Strict 以获得更好的类型安全性.
Also, I would highly recommend turning on Option Strict to get better type safety.
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