Game crash if interrupted while Splash Screen is on - LIBGDX(如果在启动画面打开时中断游戏崩溃 - LIBGDX)
I have a splash screen and a menu screen class that loads all my texture atlases and skins for the menu and processes lots of stuff. If I put the constructor for the menu screen in the SplashScreen constructor or in the create() method of my main game class (MyGame class) then it would pass a lot of time with no splash screen render image on the phone while the whole stuff loads so I have delayed the loading of the menu class to the second frame render (gets called in the SplashScreen render method in the second frame); I simply check if I passed the first frame then I call a method on the main game class that loads the menus.
It all works fine , as expected , but only if the SplashScreen load process is not interrupted. If I get a call or I simple press the HOME button of the mobile and then I re-enter the game by clicking the icon on the home screen I get an AndroidGraphics error : "waiting for pause synchronization took too long: assuming dead lock and killing"; this is just after I can see the splash screen on the screen for about a second;
I tried to dispose the MyGame in the hide() and pause() methods of both the main game class and the splash screen class so it's terminated if I press the HOME button but they never get called.
How can I fix this? It would be annoying to get a call while loading the game and after you finish the call and try to re-enter the game it crashes.
public class MyGame extends Game{
public MainMenu menu;
public void create(){
this.screen_type == SCREEN_TYPE.SPLASH;
splashScreen = new SplashScreen();
public void pause(){
//never gets called if I press the HOME button in middle of splash screen
if(this.screen_type == SCREEN_TYPE.SPLASH)
public void LoadMenuTimeConsumingConstructor(){
//load all menus and process data
main_menu = new MainMenu();
loaded_menu = true;
public class SplashScreen implements InputProcessor, Screen{
public MyGame main_game;
public SplashScreen(MyGame game){
this.main_game = game;
public void pause(){
//never gets called if I press the HOME button in middle of splash screen
if(main_game.screen_type == SCREEN_TYPE.SPLASH)
public void hide(){
//never gets called if I press the HOME button in middle of splash screen
if(main_game.screen_type == SCREEN_TYPE.SPLASH)
public void render(delta float){
//wait 1.5 sec
if(TimeUtils.millis() - startTime > 1500){
if(main_game.loaded_menu = true){
if(is_this_second_frame){ // we start loading menus in the second frame so we already have the splash onscreen
I do not understand your question very well, but if you are not using AssetManger Class, I think this read can help, I hope so.
If this response is not valid or not useful to you, tell me, and delete
wiki LibGDX
video on YouTUBE
other example in GitHub
NEW look this:
Proper way to dispose screens in Libgdx
What's the right place to dispose a libgdx Screen
It can help you decide if you need to call dipose, and how, I hope it will help.
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本文标题为:如果在启动画面打开时中断游戏崩溃 - LIBGDX
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