How do I force a polymorphic call to the super method?(如何强制对超级方法进行多态调用?)
我有一个在广泛的层次结构中使用和覆盖的 init 方法.然而,每个 init 调用都扩展了前一个所做的工作.所以很自然,我会:
I have an init method that is used and overridden through out an extensive heirarchy. Each init call however extends on the work that the previous did. So naturally, I would:
@Override public void init() {
这自然会确保所有内容都被调用和实例化.我想知道的是:我可以创建一种方法来确保调用超级方法吗?如果没有调用所有的 init,则对象中存在故障,因此如果有人忘记调用 super
And naturally this would ensure that everything is called and instantiated. What I'm wondering is: Can I create a way to ensure that the super method was called? If all of the init's are not call, there is a break down in the obejct, so I want to throw an exception or an error if somebody forgets to call super
Here's one way to raise an exception if a derived class fails to call up to the superclass:
public class Base {
private boolean called;
public Base() { // doesn't have to be the c'tor; works elsewhere as well
called = false;
if (!called) {
// throw an exception
protected void init() {
called = true;
// other stuff

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