libGDX: How to implement a smooth tile / grid based game character movement?(libGDX:如何实现基于平铺/网格的游戏角色移动?)
In fear of reinventing the wheel, I wonder:
使用 libGDX 在自上而下的 Tiled (2D) 地图上实现基于平滑网格的游戏角色移动的最佳方法是什么?
What is the best approach to implement a smooth grid based game character movement on a top-down Tiled (2D) map with libGDX?
The character should keep moving smoothly between tiles as long as an arrow key is pressed (or a touch event occures on certain direction of the character) and should finish confined to a grid position on key / touch release. The movement should be independent from the frame rate.
我会很高兴看到一些已经实现的示例,这些示例可以进行研究并导致正确的 libGDX API 使用.
I would be glad about some already implemented examples that can be studied and lead to a proper libGDX API usage.
Test if a specific button is pressed (or screen touched), if it is, set the correct target tile (the tile where the player will go) in a field and start moving there, this Movement will only end when the player is in the next tile. When that happens, check for input again to keep moving (i.e. repeat).
假设您的图块宽度/高度为 1,并且您希望每秒移动 1 个图块.您的用户按下了右箭头键.然后,您只需将 targettile 设置为播放器右侧的图块.
Lets suppose, your tile width/height is 1, and you want to move 1 tile per second. Your user pressed Right arrow key. Then you just set the targettile to the tile just right of the player.
yourobject.position.x += 1*delta;
yourobject.position.x = targettile.position.x;
targettile = null;
This code is simplified for right movement only, you need to make it for the other directions too.
Dont forget to poll the input again if the player is not moving.
if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.DPAD_RIGHT)){
InputPolling for touchs(cam 是你的相机,touchPoint 是一个 Vector3 来存储未投影的触摸坐标,moverightBounds 一个 (libgdx) Rectangle):
InputPolling for touchs (cam is your camera, and touchPoint is a Vector3 to store the unprojected touch coordinates, and moverightBounds a (libgdx) Rectangle):
if (Gdx.input.isTouched()){
cam.unproject(touchPoint.set(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY(), 0));
//check if the touch is on the moveright area, for example:
if(moveRightBounds.contains(touchPoint.x, touchPoint.y)){
// if its not moving already, set the right targettile here
并且 noone 已经说过了,您在 render 中将 delta 作为参数方法,或者您可以在其他任何地方使用:
And noone already said it, you get the delta as a parameter in the render method, or you can get it anywhere else using:;
- InputPolling
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