如何使用 libgdx 中的简单纹理绘制自定义形状?

how to draw custom shapes using a simple texture in libgdx?(如何使用 libgdx 中的简单纹理绘制自定义形状?)

本文介绍了如何使用 libgdx 中的简单纹理绘制自定义形状?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I want to draw custom static shapes in my game just like the angry birds done:


but the problem is that the texture is in square shape.


how we can tell to the "SpriteBatch" to draw shapes with some vertices? does anybody has some ideas?



SpriteBatch 用于绘制引用纹理(区域)的 2D 矩形

A SpriteBatch is used to draw 2D rectangles that reference a texture (region)

因此,从本质上讲,此方法不允许您指定除矩形之外的任何其他几何图形.但是,有一个 draw 方法 允许您指定矩形"的四个坐标并将其转换为其他东西.您必须将几何体分解为适合此基元的较小部分.看起来这种方法不适合几何形状的变化.

So essentially, this method does not allow you to specify any other geometry than a rectangle. However, there is a draw method that allows you to specify the four coordinates of the "rectangle" and turn it into something else. You'd've to decompose the geometry into smaller pieces that fits this primitives. Looks like this method doesn't lend itself to geometry changes.

最好创建一个网格然后画出来.网格不支持三角测量,所以使用 ObjLoader.loadObj* 方法在 Alias Wavefront OBJ 格式.指定几何图形不应该是一件麻烦事;文章链接到一些示例文件.

Better you create a mesh and just draw it. The mesh does not support triangulation, so use the ObjLoader.loadObj* methods to load a mesh in Alias Wavefront OBJ format. Specifying the geometry shouldn't be a hassle; the article links to some example files.

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本文标题为:如何使用 libgdx 中的简单纹理绘制自定义形状?
