删除了 Eclipse Juno ADT 插件 NDK 路径?

Eclipse Juno ADT plugin NDK path removed?(删除了 Eclipse Juno ADT 插件 NDK 路径?)

本文介绍了删除了 Eclipse Juno ADT 插件 NDK 路径?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我找不到使用 ADT 插件在 Eclipse Juno 上设置 NDK 路径的选项.(我昨天从 Android 网站下载了 ADT Bundle).

I can't find the option to set the NDK path on Eclipse Juno with the ADT plugin. (I downloaded yesterday the ADT Bundle from the Android site).

每个人都说我应该在 Windows -> Preferences -> Android -> NDK 下找到它,但 Android 下的选项 NDK 根本不存在.也许他们在最近的版本中改变了它的位置?无论如何,我似乎找不到在我的 Eclipse 中更改 NDK 路径的方法.

Everyone says I should find it under Windows -> Preferences -> Android -> NDK but the option NDK under Android simply does not exists. Maybe they changed it's location in the recent version? Anyway I can't seem to find a way to change the NDK path in my Eclipse.



I'm feeling like I'm missing something really obvious here...


需要重新安装ADT-23.0.4.zip(别忘了选择Android Native Development Tools);
请查看此 Android SDK 页面.

you need re-install the ADT-23.0.4.zip (Don't forget select the Android Native Development Tools);
Please have a look at this Android SDK page.


  1. 下载 ADT-23.0.4.zip.
  2. 重新安装即可.
  3. 重启.
  4. 您将看到 Eclipse > Window > Android > NDK 标签.

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本文标题为:删除了 Eclipse Juno ADT 插件 NDK 路径?
