
How to take a screenshot of desktop fast with Java in Windows (ffmpeg, etc.)?(如何在Windows(ffmpeg等)中使用Java快速截取桌面截图?)



我想使用 java 使用 FFMPEG 或其他解决方案截取我的机器的屏幕截图.我知道 linux 可以在没有 JNI 的情况下使用 ffmpeg,但是在 Windows 中运行它不起作用并且可能需要(JNI?)是否有一些简单的 Java 类的示例(以及其他任何必要的)来捕获可在 Windows 环境中运行的屏幕截图?FFMPEG 有什么替代品吗?我想以比 Java Robot API 更快的速度截屏,我发现它可以截屏,但比我想要的慢.

I would like to use java to take a screenshot of my machine using FFMPEG or some other solution. I know linux works with ffmpeg without JNI, but running it in Windows does not work and may require (JNI?) is there any sample of some simple Java class (and anything else necessary) to capture a screenshot runnable in a windows environment? Is there some alternative to FFMPEG? I want to take screenshot at a rate faster than the Java Robot API, which I have found to work at taking screenshots, but is slower than I would like.

我知道这在 Linux 中运行得非常快:

I know in Linux this works very fast:

import com.googlecode.javacv.*;

public class ScreenGrabber {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        int x = 0, y = 0, w = 1024, h = 768;
        FFmpegFrameGrabber grabber = new FFmpegFrameGrabber(":0.0+" + x + "," + y);

        CanvasFrame frame = new CanvasFrame("Screen Capture");
        while (frame.isVisible()) {

这在 windows 环境下不起作用.不确定是否有某种方法可以使用相同的代码,但使用 javacpp 使其实际工作而无需更改上述大部分代码.

This does not work in windows environment. Am not sure if there is some way I could use this same code, but use javacpp to actually get it working without having to change much of the above code.


Goal is to take screenshots of screen fast, but then stop after it takes a screenshot that is "different", aka. screen changed because of some event like, a window is window closed, etc.


使用内置 Robots 类比其他 Java 库更容易,应该可以满足您的需求.

Using the built-in Robots class is way easier than other Java libraries and should probably fit your needs.

如果您需要 >= 30fps(每秒超过 30 个屏幕截图)的流畅视频,您应该首先尝试使用 Robots 方法以及使用屏幕截图的异步存储来改进性能.

If you need a smooth video with >= 30fps (more than 30 screenshots per second), you should first try the Robots approach plus performance improvements there using asynchronous storing of the screenshots.

如果它不适合您,请尝试使用 JNA,这几乎可以保证(尽管它更复杂)可以实现流畅的屏幕捕获.

If it doesn't work for you, try using JNA and that is (even though it's more complex) almost guaranteed to work for smooth screen capturing.

robots 类确实可以做你想做的事,大多数使用 Robots 的屏幕捕获方法的问题是屏幕截图的保存.一种方法可能如下所示:循环 captureScreen() 方法,将屏幕抓取到 BufferedImage 中,将其转换为字节数组,并在将图像的未来引用添加到ArrayList 能够在存储图像数据的同时继续运行.

The robots class is indeed capable of doing what you want, the problem most screen capturing approaches with Robots have is the saving of the screenshots. An approach could look like that: Looping over the captureScreen() method, grabbing the screen into a BufferedImage, convert it to a byte array and save it with an asynchronous file writer to a target file after adding the future reference of your image to the ArrayList to be able to keep going while storing the image data.

// Pseudo code
while (capturing)
    grab bufferedImage (screenCapture) from screen
    convert bufferImage to byte array
    start asynchronous file channel to write to the output file
      and add the future reference (return value) to the ArrayList

JNA 方法

原问题:如何在 Java 中快速截屏?


As it is bad practice to just link, I will post the example here:

import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferUShort;
import java.awt.image.DirectColorModel;
import java.awt.image.Raster;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;

import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.W32API;
import com.sun.jna.win32.W32APIOptions;

public class JNAScreenShot

    public static BufferedImage getScreenshot(Rectangle bounds)
        W32API.HDC windowDC = GDI.GetDC(USER.GetDesktopWindow());
        W32API.HBITMAP outputBitmap = GDI.CreateCompatibleBitmap(windowDC, bounds.width, bounds.height);
            W32API.HDC blitDC = GDI.CreateCompatibleDC(windowDC);
                W32API.HANDLE oldBitmap = GDI.SelectObject(blitDC, outputBitmap);
                    GDI.BitBlt(blitDC, 0, 0, bounds.width, bounds.height, windowDC, bounds.x, bounds.y, GDI32.SRCCOPY);
                    GDI.SelectObject(blitDC, oldBitmap);
                GDI32.BITMAPINFO bi = new GDI32.BITMAPINFO(40);
                bi.bmiHeader.biSize = 40;
                boolean ok = GDI.GetDIBits(blitDC, outputBitmap, 0, bounds.height, (byte[]) null, bi, GDI32.DIB_RGB_COLORS);
                if (ok)
                    GDI32.BITMAPINFOHEADER bih = bi.bmiHeader;
                    bih.biHeight = -Math.abs(bih.biHeight);
                    bi.bmiHeader.biCompression = 0;
                    return bufferedImageFromBitmap(blitDC, outputBitmap, bi);
                    return null;

    private static BufferedImage bufferedImageFromBitmap(GDI32.HDC blitDC, GDI32.HBITMAP outputBitmap, GDI32.BITMAPINFO bi)
        GDI32.BITMAPINFOHEADER bih = bi.bmiHeader;
        int height = Math.abs(bih.biHeight);
        final ColorModel cm;
        final DataBuffer buffer;
        final WritableRaster raster;
        int strideBits = (bih.biWidth * bih.biBitCount);
        int strideBytesAligned = (((strideBits - 1) | 0x1F) + 1) >> 3;
        final int strideElementsAligned;
        switch (bih.biBitCount)
            case 16:
                strideElementsAligned = strideBytesAligned / 2;
                cm = new DirectColorModel(16, 0x7C00, 0x3E0, 0x1F);
                buffer = new DataBufferUShort(strideElementsAligned * height);
                raster = Raster.createPackedRaster(buffer, bih.biWidth, height, strideElementsAligned, ((DirectColorModel) cm).getMasks(), null);
            case 32:
                strideElementsAligned = strideBytesAligned / 4;
                cm = new DirectColorModel(32, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF);
                buffer = new DataBufferInt(strideElementsAligned * height);
                raster = Raster.createPackedRaster(buffer, bih.biWidth, height, strideElementsAligned, ((DirectColorModel) cm).getMasks(), null);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported bit count: " + bih.biBitCount);
        final boolean ok;
        switch (buffer.getDataType())
            case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
                int[] pixels = ((DataBufferInt) buffer).getData();
                ok = GDI.GetDIBits(blitDC, outputBitmap, 0, raster.getHeight(), pixels, bi, 0);
            case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
                short[] pixels = ((DataBufferUShort) buffer).getData();
                ok = GDI.GetDIBits(blitDC, outputBitmap, 0, raster.getHeight(), pixels, bi, 0);
                throw new AssertionError("Unexpected buffer element type: " + buffer.getDataType());
        if (ok)
            return new BufferedImage(cm, raster, false, null);
            return null;

    private static final User32 USER = User32.INSTANCE;

    private static final GDI32 GDI = GDI32.INSTANCE;


interface GDI32 extends com.sun.jna.platform.win32.GDI32
    GDI32 INSTANCE = (GDI32) Native.loadLibrary(GDI32.class);

    boolean BitBlt(HDC hdcDest, int nXDest, int nYDest, int nWidth, int nHeight, HDC hdcSrc, int nXSrc, int nYSrc, int dwRop);

    HDC GetDC(HWND hWnd);

    boolean GetDIBits(HDC dc, HBITMAP bmp, int startScan, int scanLines, byte[] pixels, BITMAPINFO bi, int usage);

    boolean GetDIBits(HDC dc, HBITMAP bmp, int startScan, int scanLines, short[] pixels, BITMAPINFO bi, int usage);

    boolean GetDIBits(HDC dc, HBITMAP bmp, int startScan, int scanLines, int[] pixels, BITMAPINFO bi, int usage);

    int SRCCOPY = 0xCC0020;

interface User32 extends com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32
    User32 INSTANCE = (User32) Native.loadLibrary(User32.class, W32APIOptions.UNICODE_OPTIONS);

    HWND GetDesktopWindow();


  • 使用时提高截屏速度Java 和 awt.Robot


    如何在屏幕捕获程序中使用 Java 获得超过 30FPS?



    • http://www.thepcwizard.in/2012/12/java-screen-capturing-tutorial.html






    ffmpeg 用于截屏?

    Java 小程序截屏到视频

    使用 Java 截屏 DirectX 程序


