当有多个匹配的证书时,如何选择 SSL 客户端证书?

How is the SSL client certificate chosen when there are multiple matching certificates?(当有多个匹配的证书时,如何选择 SSL 客户端证书?)

本文介绍了当有多个匹配的证书时,如何选择 SSL 客户端证书?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


It's not something that should happen by design, but for security concerns, i'm wondering how will the "right" certificate be sent to the server, assuming there are more than one certificates matching the requirement of being signed by a certain CA?

I'm using a simple SSL JAVA example client, connecting to an Apache HTTPD.

I tried testing with 4 certificates, each time deleting the chosen one and noting who was chosen next. I couldn't find a reasonable logic (i.e. date, alias name etc.) other than maybe a lexicographic order of the "sha256" of the certificates. that seems unlikely to me...

The example client does something like

System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStoreType", "PKCS12");  
SSLSocketFactory factory = (SSLSocketFactory) SSLSocketFactory.getDefault();  
SSLSocket sslSock = (SSLSocket) factory.createSocket("",443);  
BufferedWriter wr = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(sslSock.getOutputStream(), "UTF8"));  
wr.write("GET /lather HTTP/1.1


And the Apache is configured with

SSLCACertificateFile rootCA.crt  
SSLVerifyClient require  

I couldn't find the relevant documentation to answer the question. I'm also wondering- is there any chance that the Apache will somehow forward more than one certificates chains? (say with a misbehaving client sending something weird).



A server that requires client authentication will send a list of acceptable certificate types, possibly along with a list of acceptable CAs. By default, your Java client then applies the following algorithm:

  1. For each certificate type (RSA, DSA, EC) accepted by the server, find any public/private key pairs in the key store which have been generated with the specified algorithm
  2. If the server sent a list of acceptable CAs, remove any key pair that doesn't contain any of the CAs in the list in its certificate chain
  3. If there is at least one key pair remaining, select the private key corresponding to the first one; otherwise go back to step 1 for the next key type.

The client certificate choice algorithm isn't specified in RFC 5246, but Java's simple default implementation seems reasonable, if subject to change in the future as noted by EJP. In particular, the 'first' one is pretty much random - credentials are currently stored in a Map, so it is going to depend on iteration order of the entry set. Also, the KeyManager implementations are pluggable, and there is a 'NewSun' implementation available with OpenJDK that is activated by passing the security property ssl.KeyManagerFactory.algorithm=NewSunX509. This second one will also take into account of your client certificates' keyUsage and extendedKeyUsage attributes, as well as the expiry dates.

If you need to guarantee the certificate sent from a list of possibilities and you find that the default behaviours aren't doing it for you, your best option is to manually create a single-entry keystore and use it to initialise an SSLContext, or write your own implemenation of X509KeyManager to do what you want in chooseClientAlias, like in the answers to this question or this question.

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本文标题为:当有多个匹配的证书时,如何选择 SSL 客户端证书?
