SharedPreferences 在强制关闭后被重置

SharedPreferences being reset after force close(SharedPreferences 在强制关闭后被重置)

本文介绍了SharedPreferences 在强制关闭后被重置的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have been able to successfully implement Shared Preferences into my application but I have ran into a problem with the data being reset/deleted if I kill the application through a task manager.


I am using a static method for saving, that way I only need the method once and can call it everywhere within my app.

protected static synchronized void save(Context cntx){
    SharedPreferences preferences2 = cntx.getSharedPreferences("BluRealms", 0);
    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences2.edit();
    editor.putBoolean("level", Stats.level);

一旦我终止我的应用程序,我的所有数据都会在我的 SharedPreferences 保存方法中恢复为默认设置.

As soon as I kill my app all of my data gets set back to the default settings in my SharedPreferences save method.

我也做了一些搜索,发现一些帖子说在清单文件中添加 android:persistent="true" 可以解决问题,但即使这样,数据仍然会重置.

I also did some searching and found a few posts that say adding android:persistent="true" into the of the manifest file would fix the problem, yet the data is still reset even with this.

好吧,我想我找到了一些关于我的问题的信息.此问题突出了三星 Galaxy S 手机无法正确保存 SharedPreferences 的问题,这是我正在测试的设备. - 特别是comment 6

Well I think I found a bit of information on my problem. This Issue highlights a problem with Samsung Galaxy S phones not saving SharedPreferences properly, which is the device I am testing on. - especially comment 6


Any more information on this would be great!



Ok I was able to solve this by removing the "protected static" from my save method.

我没有调用全局保存方法,而是简单地将保存方法放在需要保存的每个类中,然后只在 onPause() 和 onDestroy() 方法中调用保存方法.

Instead of calling a global save method, I simply placed the save method in each class that would need to save and then only call the save method in the onPause() and onDestroy() methods.

我注意到,如果我在一个类中调用 save() 次数过多,当我关闭应用程序时,它似乎也会删除我的 SharedPreferences.

I noticed that if I called save() too many times within a class that also seemed to erase my SharedPreferences when I closed the app.



Do not use static methods for getting or setting shared preferences

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本文标题为:SharedPreferences 在强制关闭后被重置
