
Server detecting a client losing connection from the socket(服务器检测到客户端失去与套接字的连接)



在 Java 中,如果我通过套接字将客户端连接到服务器,并且客户端出现异常导致其崩溃,那么服务器有什么方法可以检测到套接字连接丢失.

In Java, if I connect to a client to a server via a socket and the client has an exception which causes it to crash, is there any way the server can detect that the socket connection is lost.


I assume one method would be have some sort of heartbeat polling the client, but is there a simpler/easier way?



There are a few ways, depending on what you consider to be a "crash".

如果客户端进程死亡,客户端操作系统将关闭套接字.服务器可以通过执行 read() 来检测这一点,这将返回 -1 (EOF) 或引发 SocketException(连接重置").

If the client process dies, the client OS will close the socket. The server can detect this by performing a read(), which will either return -1 (EOF) or raise a SocketException ("connection reset").


If the client gets into an infinite loop, the connection will remain open; the only way to detect this is by incorporating some kind of "heartbeat" into your protocol.


If the client host is rebooted or the network connection breaks, the server may not notice unless either:

  • 该协议具有如上所述的心跳"机制,具有某种超时,或者
  • 通过调用 socket.setKeepAlive(true) 在套接字上启用 TCP keepalive - 这指示操作系统定期*发送数据包以检查连接的远程端是否处于活动状态,关闭如果没有则连接
  • the protocol has a "heartbeat" mechanism as above, with some kind of timeout, or
  • TCP keepalive is enabled on the socket by calling socket.setKeepAlive(true) - this instructs the OS to periodically* send a packet to check that the remote end of the connection is alive, closing the connection if not

*Windows 和 Linux 均默认为 2 小时;您可以更改此系统范围但不能更改每个套接字(无论如何在 Java 下)

*both Windows and Linux default to 2 hours; you can change this system-wide but not per-socket (under Java, anyway)


