
What can polymorphism do that inheritance can#39;t?(多态性能做哪些继承不能做的事情?)



假设我们有一个类 Animal,它扩展到其他三个类:DogCatBird.

Imagine that we have a class Animal that extends to three other classes: Dog, Cat, Bird.

这个动物类有一个 talk()move() 函数.talk 函数输出Animal talk",move 函数输出Animal Moving".

This animal class has a talk() and move() function. The talk function outputs "Animal talking" and the move function outputs "Animal moving".

对于狗来说,这是狗移动"和狗吃".对于 CatBird 类,这种差异是平行的猫移动"等.

For a dog, this is "Dog moving" and "Dog eating". For the Cat and Bird class, this difference is paralleled "Cat moving" etc.


Now, because of polymorphism, if I do

Animal charlietheBird = new Bird()





因为输出是在运行时确定的,因为编译器知道 charlie 是 Bird 类的 Animal 类型.

because the output is determined at runtime since the compiler knows that charlie is a type of Animal of the class Bird.



Bird charlietheBird = new Bird();

然后调用 charlietheBird.poop(); 将给出相同的输出,因为方法会被覆盖.

and then calling charlietheBird.poop(); will give the same output, because the method would have been overridden.



What can polymorphism do that inheritance can't?

多态性的真正优势可以在运行时而不是编译时看到.多态性允许您将一种实现替换为另一种实现,而无需更改使用它的代码.让我们以 Animal 层次结构为例.假设您有一个知道如何对任何动物进行健康检查的Vet(是的,他是个超级兽医).

The real advantages of Polymorphism can be seen at runtime rather than compile time. Polymorphism allows you to substitute one implementation for another without the need to change the code that uses it. Let's take your example of the Animal hierarchy. Let's say you have a Vet that knows how to perform health checkups on any animal (Yup he's a supervet).

class Vet {
   private Animal animal; 
   public Vet(Animal animal) {
      this.animal = animal;

   public void perfromCheckup() {


Vet vetWithBird = new Vet(new Bird());
Vet vetWithDog =  new Vet(new Dog());

请注意如何告诉 Vet 在不需要的情况下对 BirdDog 或任何其他动物进行检查更改您的 Vet 课程.在运行时,Dog 在进行检查时会吠叫,Bird 在进行检查时会发推文.想象一下,如果 Vet 有一个 Bird 引用而不是 Animal:

Notice how you can tell the Vet to perform a checkup on a Bird or a Dog or any other animal for that matter without needing to change your Vet class. At runtime, the Dog would bark when it goes for a checkup and the Bird would tweet when it goes for a checkup. Imagine if instead of Animal, the Vet had a Bird reference :

class Vet {
   private Bird bird; 
   public Vet(Bird bird) {
      this.bird = bird;

   public void perfromCheckup() {

可怜的 Vet 现在只能与 Bird 一起工作.告诉您的 VetDog 一起工作,他会立即拒绝.

The poor Vet is now only going to be able to work with a Bird. Tell your Vet to work with a Dog and he will reject this right away.

Vet vetWithBird = new Vet(new Bird()); //Works fine. Vet likes birds.
Vet vet = new Vet(new Dog())// compilation error. Sorry I don't like dogs.

总之,多态性 允许您替换使用超类引用的子类实例.继承允许您从父类继承代码并可能在子类中重新定义该行为,以便您的代码可以在运行时通过多态性

In summary, Polymorphism allows you to substitute subclass instances where a super-class reference is used. Inheritance allows you to inherit code from a parent class and possibly redefine that behavior in subclasses so that your code can take advantage of it at runtime through Polymorphism


