Java: Enum or encoding with numbers?(Java:枚举或数字编码?)
我开始学习 Java,我想通过编写一个简单的程序来测试一些 Java 功能,该程序将构建一副纸牌数组并打印出所有纸牌的列表.当我开始这样做时,我不确定使用数字来表示卡片的花色和等级或使用枚举是否更有效.我想知道在效率、可读性和约定方面哪个更好?哪个更适合迭代?谢谢.
I am starting to learn Java and I'd like to try to test out a few Java features by writing a simple program that will build an array of a deck of cards and will print out a list of all the cards. When I started doing this I was unsure whether it is more efficient to use numbers to represent the cards suits and ranks or to use enums. I'd like to know which is better in terms of efficiency, readability and convention? Which is better for iteration? Thanks.
效率:在您知道自己有问题之前,您不应该关心.由于使用 Enum,您不太可能遇到性能问题.
Efficiency: You shouldn't care until you know you have a problem. It is very unlikely that you will ever encounter a performance problem due to the use of Enums.
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