是否可以将 Java-Enum 作为参数从黄瓜功能文件传递(以更文本友好的方式)?

Is it possible to pass Java-Enum as argument from cucumber feature file (in a more text friendly way)?(是否可以将 Java-Enum 作为参数从黄瓜功能文件传递(以更文本友好的方式)?)

本文介绍了是否可以将 Java-Enum 作为参数从黄瓜功能文件传递(以更文本友好的方式)?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


建立在 this question,提供的示例似乎将特征文件中的文本锁定为Java编程风格(注意文本全部大写,并且只有一个单词.

Building up on this question, the example provided seems to lock the text in the feature file too much to Java programming style (notice that the text is written in all uppercase, and is only one word.


Is it possible to pass enums when the feature file has more "human readable" text? E.g.:


Feature: Setup Enum and Print value
  In order to manage my Enum
  As a System Admin
  I want to get the Enum

  Scenario Outline: Verify Enum Print
  When I supply a more human readable text to be converted to <Enum>

  Examples: Text can have multiple formats
  |Enum         |
  |Christmas    |
  |New Year Eve |


I reckon the enum could be something like:

public enum Holiday {

CHRISTMAS("Christmas"),NEW_YEAR("New Year"),INDEPENDENCE_DAY("independence-day");

private String extendedName;

private Holidays(String extendedName) {
    this.extendedName = extendedName;



How could we convert one from the other?


在更复杂的示例中,我们会将其传递给 ScenarioObject

In a more complex example, we would pass this onto a ScenarioObject

Scenario: Enum within a Scenario Object
      When I supply a more human readable text to be converted in the objects: 
      |Holiday         |Character|
      |Christmas    |Santa  |
      |New Year Eve |Harry|
      |independence-day|John Adams|

public class ScenarioObject{
private String character;
private Holiday holiday;
(...getters and setters)

更新:如果唯一的解决方案是应用 Transformer,如此处所述,将不胜感激如何将其应用于 ScenarioObject 的示例,因为只需使用 标记枚举@XStreamConverter(HolidayTransformer.class) 不足以让转换器在 ScenarioObject 中工作.

Update: If the only solution is to apply a Transformer, as described here, an example of how this would be a applied to the ScenarioObject would be appreciated, since simply tagging the enum with a @XStreamConverter(HolidayTransformer.class) is not sufficient for the transformer to work within the ScenarioObject.



The best solution I found for this so far was with a transformer. In the case of the complex example with ScenarioObject,this involves:


public enum Holiday {

CHRISTMAS("Christmas"),NEW_YEAR("New Year"),INDEPENDENCE_DAY("independence-day");

private String extendedName;

private Holidays(String extendedName) {
this.extendedName = extendedName;

public static Holiday fromString(String type) throws Exception {...}


public class HolidayTransformer  extends Transformer<Holiday> {

public Holiday transform(String value) {
    try {
        return Holiday.fromString(value);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        fail("Could not convert from value");
        return null;


也用转换器标记 ScenarioObject

public class ScenarioObject{
private String character;
private Holiday holiday;
(...getters and setters)

这篇关于是否可以将 Java-Enum 作为参数从黄瓜功能文件传递(以更文本友好的方式)?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:是否可以将 Java-Enum 作为参数从黄瓜功能文件传递(以更文本友好的方式)?
