Cucumber 中无法运行功能

Cant run feature in Cucumber(Cucumber 中无法运行功能)

本文介绍了Cucumber 中无法运行功能的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 Cucumber 中运行某个功能时遇到问题,该功能非常基础,因为它来自教程.

Im having issues running a feature in Cucumber, the feature is very basic as it's from a tutorial.


Feature: Proof that my concept works

Scenario: My first test
 Given this is my first step
 When this is my second step
 Then this is my final step

我的 Cucumber runner 类如下:

My Cucumber runner class is as follows:

 package cucumber;
 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
 import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;

    format = {"pretty", "json:target/"},
    features = {"src/cucumber/"}
 public class CucumberRunner {



Also the external .jar files that I have in the project are as follows:


线程主" cucumber.runtime.CucumberException 中的异常:失败实例化公共与 []

Exception in thread "main" cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: Failed to instantiate public with []


I've tried to look around online for the solution to this problem but have not had any luck.

我也和教程的 OP 讨论过,我还在等待反馈,但已经有一段时间了.

I've also discussed with the OP of the tutorial and I'm still awaiting feedback but it has been a while.



I ran into a similar issue and got the same error as you did.

首先提一下特征文件的路径features = {"src/cucumber/myfile.feature"}无论如何,这并没有导致错误.

Firstly mention the path to the feature file features = {"src/cucumber/myfile.feature"} Anyway, that didn't cause the error.

要运行你的 Cucumber runner 类,你需要的所有依赖项是

To just run your Cucumber runner class, all the dependencies you need are


我有一个额外的 cucumber-guice 造成了问题,一旦我删除它,错误就消失了,并且运行成功.

I had an additional cucumber-guice which was creating the problem and once I removed it, the error went away and runner was executed successfully.

从您提到的图片的链接来看,您似乎没有使用 cucumber-guice 但我仍然建议您删除其他不必要的黄瓜依赖项并重试.

From the link to the image you have mentioned it looks like you are not using cucumber-guice but still I would recommend you remove other unnecessary cucumber dependencies and try again.

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本文标题为:Cucumber 中无法运行功能
