为什么我们需要在同一个对象上同步才能使 notify() 工作

Why do we need to synchronize on the same object for notify() to work(为什么我们需要在同一个对象上同步才能使 notify() 工作)

本文介绍了为什么我们需要在同一个对象上同步才能使 notify() 工作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我收到 java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException.我提到了 this 问题,它解决了我的问题.第一个答案是

I was getting java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException. I referred this question and it solved my problem. The first answer is

To be able to call notify() you need to synchronize on the same object.

synchronized (someObject) {

/* different thread / object */
synchronized (someObject) {



As far as my understanding goes when we say

synchronized (someObject) {

我们在对象 someObject 上获得了一个锁,然后我们在它上面调用 wait().现在另一个线程如何锁定同一个对象来调用 notify() 呢?我错过了什么?

we get a lock on object someObject and then we call wait() on it. Now how can another thread get lock on same object to call notify() on it? What am I missing?



Why does notify need a lock too?


        while(x.count < 4) {

现在想象一下在其他地方没有任何锁定的 notify:

Imagine now a notify elsewhere without any lock around it:

println(x.count); // print 3
if(count == 4) 


At first glance, the whole sounds to always work as expected.
However, imagine this race condition:

//Thread1 enters here
     while(x.count < 4) {
         //condition is judged true and thread1 is about to wait 
         //..but..ohh!! Thread2 is prioritized just now !
         //Thread2, acting on notify block side, notices that with its current count incrementation, 
         //count increases to 4 and therefore a notify is sent.... 
         //but...but x is expected to wait now !!! for nothing maybe indefinitely !
       //maybe block here indefinitely waiting for a notify that already occurred!

如果我们有办法告诉 notify 方:

If only we had a way to tell this to notify side:

线程 1:嗯..notify,你很可爱,但我刚刚开始评估我的条件 (x.count < 4) 是否为真,所以请......不要傻傻的发送你预期的通知(在我将我的状态置于等待之前),否则,我等待已经过去的事情会很荒谬"

Thread 1: "Humm..notify, you are cute but I've just started to evaluate my condition (x.count < 4) to true, so please... don't be silly by sending your expected notification just now (before I put my status to waiting), otherwise, I would be ridiculous to wait for a thing that already passed"


Thread2: "Ok ok... I will put a lock around my logic in order to stay consistent, so that I send my notification after your wait call releases our shared lock, and thus you will receive this notif, allowing to quit your waiting status ;)"

因此,总是在 notify 端,在等待持有的同一个对象上加一个锁,以避免这种情况,让关系始终保持一致.

Thus, always place a lock on the notify side, on the same object that is hold by wait, in order to avoid this situation and let the relationship always consistent.

=> 导致 notify 的逻辑和导致 wait 的逻辑不应重叠.

=> A logic leading to a notify and a logic leading to a wait should never overlap.

这篇关于为什么我们需要在同一个对象上同步才能使 notify() 工作的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:为什么我们需要在同一个对象上同步才能使 notify() 工作
