Get Metadata from Dropbox Link Without Auth(从没有身份验证的 Dropbox 链接获取元数据)
我想通过 Dropbox 上的共享链接检查版本更改/获取文本文件的元数据.我不会使用 dropbox api,因为它让用户使用自己的帐户.我希望他们链接到我的帐户,但我不能手动这样做,因为我以后可能会更改我的密码.
I want to check for a version changed/get metadata of a text-file with a shared link on dropbox. I will not be using dropbox api as it makes users use their own accounts. I want them to link to my account and I cannot do that manually since I might change my password later.
so: no auth token, just get metadata from shared link of dropbox so that I can check for version changes and if the version has changed download the contents of the new file.
also: I'm open to other suggestions to make this work as well. Please explain in a little detail your solution.
public void getFromOnlineTxtDatabase(){
URL url = new URL("url-here");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
con.setRequestProperty("Connection", "keep-alive");
//get etag for update check
String etag = con.getHeaderField("etag");
//String etag= "";
con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0");
((HttpURLConnection) con).setRequestMethod("GET");
//System.out.println(con.getContentLength()) ;
BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(con.getInputStream());
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
int chars_read;
//int total = 0;
while ((chars_read = != -1)
char g = (char) chars_read;
final String page = buffer.toString();
//create password_ems.txt to internal
if (fileExistance("data.txt")){
File dir = getFilesDir();
File file = new File(dir, "data.txt");
boolean deleted = file.delete();
stringToTxt(page, "data.txt");
stringToTxt(page, "data.txt");
if (fileExistance("data_etag.txt")){
File dir = getFilesDir();
File file = new File(dir, "etag.txt");
boolean deleted = file.delete();
stringToTxt(etag, "etag.txt");
//create etag_file
stringToTxt(etag, "data_etag.txt");
// Log.i("Page", page);
}catch(Exception e){
showDialog("Database Fetch Failure","Unable to Fetch Password Database, check your internet" +
" connection and try again later.",0);
Log.i("Page", "Error");
如果您对公共或共享的 Dropbox URL 执行 HTTP HEAD
请求,除其他外,您将获得一个 etag
标头.我不知道这种行为是否得到保证,因为我认为它没有记录在任何地方,但至少现在 etag
标头可用于确定文件何时更改.(如果 etag
If you do an HTTP HEAD
request against a public or shared Dropbox URL, you'll get, among other things, an etag
header. I don't know that this behavior is guaranteed, since I don't think it's documented anywhere, but at least for now the etag
header can be used to determine when a file has changed. (If the etag
is different, the file has changed.)
通常在使用 ETags 时,最有效的做法是发出一个 GET
请求,其标头为 If-None-Match: <old etag>
.如果内容没有改变,这将响应一个 304,但如果内容改变了,这将按照正常的 GET
请求下载新的内容(响应将是 200).
In general when using ETags, the most efficient thing to do is issue a GET
request with a header of If-None-Match: <old etag>
. If the content hasn't changed, this will respond with a 304, but if the content has changed, this will download the new content as per a normal GET
request (and the response will be 200).
这篇关于从没有身份验证的 Dropbox 链接获取元数据的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:从没有身份验证的 Dropbox 链接获取元数据

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