是否可以从 cucumber-jvm 迁移到 QAF?

Is it possible to migrate from cucumber-jvm to QAF?(是否可以从 cucumber-jvm 迁移到 QAF?)

本文介绍了是否可以从 cucumber-jvm 迁移到 QAF?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们已经有了使用带有 WebDriver 的黄瓜小黄瓜功能文件的自动化测试用例.现在我们能够并行执行特性文件,但是我们不能在场景/场景大纲级别并行执行.通过这种方式,我们希望最大限度地减少执行时间并最大限度地利用云服务.

we already have automated testcases using cucumber-gherkin feature files with WebDriver. Right now we are able to execute feature files parallel, however we are not able to execute parallel at scenario/scenario outline level. By this way we want to minimize the execution time and utilize the cloud service at maximum level.


可以将 gherkin 作为 QAF 场景运行,因此它具有运行等功能配置、报告、并行执行、步骤监听器

one can run gherkin as QAF scenario so it will have features like run configuration, reporting, parallel execution, step listener



Before migrating, I want to know if anybody has tried or know any limitation as our test bed is very large.


是的,使用 QMetry 自动化框架,您可以在场景/场景大纲级别并行执行,而无需更改功能文件.

Yes, with QMetry Automation Framework you can execute parallel at scenario/scenario outline level with without any change in your feature files.

如果你用过任何黄瓜钩,它都不会起作用.为此,您可以提供 TestNG 侦听器来实现相同的目标.您将从 TestNG 和 QAF 侦听器获得更多侦听器支持,这可能无法通过黄瓜钩子实现.

If you have used any cucumber hooks it will not work. For that you can provide TestNG listener to achieve the same goal. You will get more listener support from TestNG and QAF listeners which may not be achievable with cucumber hooks.

另一个区别,实际上不是限制,是为了执行而不是 --tag 您需要使用 TestNG 组过滤器并将您的标签作为组提供.例如:

Another difference, which in fact not a limitation, is For execution instead of --tag you need to use TestNG groups filter and provide your tags as group. For Example:

        <exclude name="@MyTag" />

继续尝试,不要害怕.为了快速评估,您可以下载示例和查看.在使用 cucumber 时,您将获得更多 QAF 功能,用于执行以及新测试用例的新开发,如 databean、data-providers、custom-components 等......

Go ahead and give it try without any fear. For quick evaluation, you can download example and check. While using cucumber you will get many more features with QAF for execution as well as for new development of new test case like databean, data-providers, custom-components etc...

这篇关于是否可以从 cucumber-jvm 迁移到 QAF?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:是否可以从 cucumber-jvm 迁移到 QAF?
