Android 市场的总安装量和活跃安装量有什么区别?

What is the difference between total installs and active installs in the Android market?(Android 市场的总安装量和活跃安装量有什么区别?)

本文介绍了Android 市场的总安装量和活跃安装量有什么区别?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



What is the difference between total installs and active installs?

我的应用总共安装了 90 次,只有 47 次有效安装.什么意思?

I have 90 total installs for my app and only 47 active installs. What does it mean?


Total installs 是您的应用被下载的次数.Active installs 是指您的应用在(积极使用?)设备上的实例数——即未卸载.我想如果用户卸载您的应用,然后重新安装它,您的总下载量将增加 2,而您的活动安装量将增加 1.

Total installs is how many times your app has been downloaded. Active installs are how many instances of your app are on (actively used?) devices -- i.e. not uninstalled. I imagine that if a user uninstalls your app, then re-installs it, your total download count would go up by two and your active install count by one.

广告!使用 AdMob 之类的东西创建广告活动(结果会有所不同),找到小众论坛和特定于 android 的论坛,如 xda-developers、droid-life 等,这将有助于更多人注意到您的应用.在您的其他应用程序中,广告链接指向您要推广的应用程序.在您的应用程序中放置一个分享按钮,或添加社交网络.或许可以在亚马逊应用商店等第三方应用商店推广您的应用.

Advertise! Create an ad campaign with something like AdMob (result will vary), find niche forums and android-specific forums like xda-developers, droid-life, etc., that would help more people notice your app. Inside your other apps, ad links to the app you want to promote. Put a share button in your app, or add in social networking. Perhaps promote your app on a 3rd-party app store like Amazon app store.


And don't forget that a poorly designed and rated app is far less likely to be downloaded.

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本文标题为:Android 市场的总安装量和活跃安装量有什么区别?
