在 Google Play 上保留包名

Reserving a package name on Google Play(在 Google Play 上保留包名)

本文介绍了在 Google Play 上保留包名的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Google Play 上的应用名称不需要唯一,可以通过商标声明或 DCMA 请求 Google 删除违规应用.然而,真正不清楚的是它如何与包名称一起使用.

Application names on Google Play don't need to be unique, and it's possible to request Google to remove violating apps through trademark claims or DCMA. What's not really clear, however, is how it works with package names.

如果我正在开发Google 应用程序"(请原谅我举了一个愚蠢的例子)但有人抢我注册 com.google 怎么办?

What if I'm developing "the Google app" (forgive me for a silly example) but somebody beats me to registering com.google?

  1. 我可以通过将已签名但未发布的 APK 上传到 Google Play 来防止这种情况发生吗?还是我真的必须发布空应用?
  2. 我可以要求 Google Play 删除现有应用及其包名(并允许我使用它),因为他们在包名中非法使用了google"吗?
  1. Can I prevent this from happening by uploading a signed, though unpublished APK to Google Play? Or do I actually have to publish the empty app?
  2. Can I request Google Play to remove the existing app with its package name (and allow me to take it) because they've illegitimately used "google" in the package name?

另一个问题出现在 Stack Overflow 上,但并没有真正解决包名称.

Another question appears here on Stack Overflow, but doesn't really address package names.


  1. 是的.只需构建应用程序,对其进行签名,将其提交到您的帐户,但保存,不要发布.然后您保留了您的包名称,但没有任何内容是公开可见的.

  1. Yes. Just make a build of the app, sign it, submit it to your account, but Save, don't Publish. You've then reserved your package name, but nothing is publicly visible.


You can make a Copyright claim, whether you get anywhere is another matter...


Most normal people won't care or even notice what's in the package name, so for me I'd be more concerned about the branding and whether someone else were using a copy of my branding to promote their own offering.

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本文标题为:在 Google Play 上保留包名
