Android Eclipse 插件太慢了

Android Eclipse Plugin Too Slow(Android Eclipse 插件太慢了)

本文介绍了Android Eclipse 插件太慢了的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我目前使用的是具有 1.83GHz 处理器和 1 GB RAM 的 Windows 7 机器.我曾经能够使用所有应用程序而没有速度问题.我最近在 Eclipse Helios 中安装了 Android 插件,现在 Eclipse 速度变慢了.运行项目/创建项目/保存代码更改都需要 3-4 分钟.启动模拟器后,需要 10 分钟才能使用我的应用程序.是什么导致 Eclipse 变慢?在这上面浪费了很多时间.请帮忙.

I'm currently on a Windows 7 box with 1.83GHz processor and 1 GB RAM. I used be able to use all applications with no speed issues. I recently installed Android Plugin in Eclipse Helios and now Eclipse has slowed down badly. Running projects/creating projects/saving code changes all takes 3-4 minutes to happen. When the emulator is launched, it takes a good 10 minutes to be able to use my app. What is causing Eclipse to slow down ?? Wasting a lot of time on this. Please help.



通常当您使用 eclipse 等编程环境时,您的计算机会非常费力.运行长达十分钟的模拟器并不令人震惊.我也有同样的问题,但如果你有一个安卓设备,你可以用它来测试你的程序(与模拟器相比,它几乎是即时的.)

Usually when your using programming envionments such as eclipse it is very taxing on your computer. The emulator taking up to ten mins to run is not shocking. I also had the same problem but if you have an android device you can use it to test your programs (its almost instant compared to the emulator.)

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本文标题为:Android Eclipse 插件太慢了
