在导出 Android 应用程序向导中为 Android 应用程序生成密钥库?

Generate a keystore for an Android app in the Export Android Application wizard?(在导出 Android 应用程序向导中为 Android 应用程序生成密钥库?)

本文介绍了在导出 Android 应用程序向导中为 Android 应用程序生成密钥库?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试在 Eclipse 中导出已签名的 Android 应用程序.

I'm trying to export a signed Android application in Eclipse.


I think I'm going in the right direction:

  • 右击项目 > Android 工具 > 导出签名的应用程序包
  • 将出现导出 Android 应用程序向导.
  • 选择我要导出的项目,点击下一步.
  • 将显示密钥库选择屏幕.

看起来像这样(原谅我的 ascii,文件上传器不工作):

It looks like this (forgive my ascii, file uploader not working):

[ ] Use existing keystore
[o] Create new keystore

Location: __________ [Browse]
Password: __________
Confirm: __________


I don't have an existing keystore, so I click the "Create new keystore" radio button. The location field remains active, must be filled, and if I browse to some directory I'd like the keystore to go after it's created, the dialog complains that "Keystore path is a directory."

  1. 真的可以用这个对话框创建一个密钥库吗?
  2. 如果没有,我该如何创建?到目前为止,我的 google-fu 只为我提供了失败的实验.我在 PC 上使用 Eclipse.

android 开发者页面中的 Compile and sign with Eclipse ADT 部分似乎是这样认为的会解决的,但我无法通过对话的这一部分.我可以很好地导出未签名的 .apk 文件.

The Compile and sign with Eclipse ADT section in the android developer page seems to think this will just work out, but I can't get past this part of the dialog. I can export unsigned .apk files just fine.




You should be able to create a keystore with the dialog, yes. After navigating to the folder you want to use, type a name in the 'File name:' field in the file browse window, e.g. sophie.keystore. Then you should be able to proceed.

或者,您可以按照 中的说明在命令行上创建它文档.


keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000


keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/dcaunt.keystore -alias dcaunt -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

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