如何让 admob 总是在 android 上显示广告?

How to make admob always shows an ad on android?(如何让 admob 总是在 android 上显示广告?)

本文介绍了如何让 admob 总是在 android 上显示广告?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


I know that there is only a certain fill rate that admob can fill. However I want to show something anyway, or it will make my UI inconsistent. I tried to enable the "house ad", but still sometimes the ad bar is not filled.

Is there a way to force admob to show some ads? I believe getting more ads displayed can only be a good thing for them. Otherwise, can I manually check if there is no ad returned? Thus I can replace the ad bar with my own decorating bar.



Admob will always show an ad if possible. And if it can't show a paid ad, it will show one of your house ads. However sometimes it still doesn't pop up so, like you said, you want to check if it appeared and if not, replace it with something else. Create a listener class that extends SimpleAdListener. Then override the onFailedToReceiveAd method like so:

            public void onFailedToReceiveAd(AdView adView)
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                //Display your other view here.

Check the LunarLander sample to get a better idea.

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