原生广告选项未出现在我的 admob 帐户中

native ads option does not appear in my admob account(原生广告选项未出现在我的 admob 帐户中)

本文介绍了原生广告选项未出现在我的 admob 帐户中的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有 Admob 帐户,当我想制作新广告时,它只显示 3 个选项:

I have Admob account , when i want to create new ads it shows me only 3 options :

1) 横幅广告

2) 插页式

3) 奖励视频


Native ads should be there as a fourth option but it does not appear for me. Why?

我从互联网上得到这张图片,它显示了 4 个选项以及原生广告:

I got this picture from Internet and its shows 4 options along with Native ads:



注意:Native Ads Advanced 目前处于限量发行版中.如果你是有兴趣参与,请联系您的客户经理讨论可能性.

Note: Native Ads Advanced is currently in a limited release. If you're interested in participating, reach out to your account manager to discuss the possibility.


要参与,您必须联系 AdMob.如果您看不到任何联系按钮,您每周的收入可能低于 25 美元.欲了解更多信息,请访问:

To participate you have to contact AdMob. If you can't see any contact button you may earn less than 25$ per week. For more informations visit:


今天我联系了 Admob 的原生广告电子邮件支持.他们很快回答说,原生广告仅适用于极少数 Admob 开发人员,并且只有在之前获得 Google 的邀请.发布时也没有ETA.

Today I contacted Admob's email support for native ads. They answered quickly that native ads are only available for a very small group of Admob developers and only with a previous invitiation from Google. There is also still no ETA when it gets released.

今天 Admob 突然为我管理的一个帐户启用了原生广告.它每月收入超过 1 万.

Today Admob suddenly activated native ads for an account I manage. It earns more than 10k a month.


Today native ads have come out of beta and are now available for all developers


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本文标题为:原生广告选项未出现在我的 admob 帐户中
