更新 WebStorm 2016 中的当前缩进空间大小

Update current indentation spaces size in WebStorm 2016(更新 WebStorm 2016 中的当前缩进空间大小)

本文介绍了更新 WebStorm 2016 中的当前缩进空间大小的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


I need to switch from a 2 spaces indentation style to a 4 spaces one within an automatically created Ionic project.

I'm running WebStorm 2016.1 on Mac OS X.

I already tried to change:

WebStorm | Preferences | Code Style | JavaScript | Tabs and indents

and play with indent size, tab size, use tab character etc... but no change seems to have effect on existing (and new) JavaScript files.

Any idea about how to achieve it? Might some general setting prevent this changes to take effect?


Do you have .editorconfig file in your project? Settings from there will overwrite your Code Style settings (and that is expected behaviour -- that's the whole nature/purpose of EditorConfig plugin).

P.S. IDE should notify you about such behaviour (does for me). For example:

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本文标题为:更新 WebStorm 2016 中的当前缩进空间大小
