
Using JQuery to open a popup window and print(使用JQuery打开一个弹出窗口并打印)



不久前,我使用 jQuery 创建了一个灯箱插件,它将链接中指定的 url 加载到灯箱中.代码很简单:

A while back I created a lightbox plugin using jQuery that would load a url specified in a link into a lightbox. The code is really simple:



<a class='readmore' href='view-details.php?Id=11'>TJ Kirchner</a>

该插件还可以接受宽度、高度、不同 url 和更多要传递的数据的参数.

The plugin could also accept arguments for width, height, a different url, and more data to pass through.


The problem I'm facing right now is printing the lightbox. I set it up so that the lightbox has a print button at the top of the box. That link would open up a new window and print that window. This is all being controlled by the lightbox plugin. Here's what that code looks like:

$('.printBtn').bind('click',function() {
    var url = options.url + ( ( options.url.indexOf('?') < 0 && options.data != "" ) ? '?' : '&' ) + options.data;
    var thePopup = window.open( url, "Member Listing", "menubar=0,location=0,height=700,width=700" );


The problem is the script doesn't seem to be waiting until the window loads. It wants to print the moment the window appears. As a result, if I click "cancel" to the print dialog box, it'll popup again and again until the window loads. The first time I tried printing I got a blank page. That might be because the window didn't finish load.


I need to find a way to alter the previous code block to wait until the window loads and then print. I feel like there should be an easy way to do this, but I haven't found it yet. Either that, or I need to find a better way to open a popup window and print from the lightbox script in the parent window, without alternating the webpage code in the popup window.


你应该把 print 函数放在你的 view-details.php 文件中,并在文件加载后调用它,或者使用

You should put the print function in your view-details.php file and call it once the file is loaded, by either using

<body onload="window.print()"> 

$(document).ready(function () { 


