Sequelize - 在 PostgreSQL 数组查询中不包含字符串

Sequelize - does not contain a string within a PostgreSQL array query(Sequelize - 在 PostgreSQL 数组查询中不包含字符串)

本文介绍了Sequelize - 在 PostgreSQL 数组查询中不包含字符串的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个名为 Staff 的 Sequelize 模型.上面有一个数组字段,描述如下:

I have a Sequelize model called Staff. On it there's an array field described as follows:

const Staff = sequelize.define("staff", {
    name: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING,
    email: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING,
        unique: true
    password: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING,
    roles: {
        type: DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.STRING)

我正在尝试创建一个 GraphQL 端点,它为所有在其 roles 字段中没有instructor"的员工提供服务.

I'm trying to create a GraphQL end point which serves up all staff which don't have 'instructor' in their roles field.

我已阅读 this page of the docs,建议我使用Sequelize.Op的组合.所以我创建了这个:

I've read this page of the docs, suggesting that I use a combination of Sequelize.Op. So I created this:

return Staff.findAll({
        where: {
            roles: {
                [Sequelize.Op.not]: {[Sequelize.Op.contains]: ['instructor']},


"message": " is not a function"


However, if I am to try a query which isn't a combo such as:

return models.Staff.findAll({
        where: {
            roles: {
                [Sequelize.Op.contains]: ['instructor']

查询运行正常,这让我相信我可能有语法错误或对 Op 逻辑如何组合的误解.

The query runs properly, this leads me to believe I perhaps have a syntax error or misunderstanding of how Op logic is combined.



return models.Staff.findAll({
  where: {
    $not: {
      roles: {
        $contains: ['instructor'],

子句 $not 必须在您的目标列之前.

The clause $not need to be prior than the column you target.

这篇关于Sequelize - 在 PostgreSQL 数组查询中不包含字符串的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:Sequelize - 在 PostgreSQL 数组查询中不包含字符串
